Progress Update | 28/09/2020

Hello there you very attractive and cute people out in the world!

Another week, another progress update!

As you all know the pre release for Lucy and higher tier patrons is later today. So I thought I could use this post to talk a bit about 0.14 and why it is very different compared to other versions we had before.

For the start, 0.14 is a lot bigger than 0.13 was. While 0.13 ended with ~10000 lines of code, 0.14 ended up being 11500 lines of code long. What this means is simple: Usually, one ingame day is about 1500-1700 lines of code. Sometimes the days are a bit shorter, sometimes they are longer. 

In 0.14 all the days are way longer ( except the last day that has "normal" length ). So technically, you get one extra day in 0.14, even though 0.14 has six days like usual. 0.14 also features some very important decisions that will change up your game depending on which way you go. For example, one decision can lead up to one of the most romantic events ever done in MNF so far. A few girls will also ask you for crucial decisions regarding a certain thing that came up in 0.13 with Sandra. I think you know what I mean with that.

I have some more news for the public post on wednesday regarding 0.15 and what will change for you people. Now enjoy two more My New Memories renders that will be featured in the game. I know the 2nd one is very sad and I'm sorry for that.

Stay awesome and amazing! I can't wait to hear your feedback on wednesday, I think I never was this nervous before an update release!

Get My New Family


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Hey killers 7 when will my new memories release tooo

so theres an update tomrrow?

Yes. In 14 hours.


So how can I get my new memories? All the screenshots you post with the update for My New Family got me curious on it. 

Same here.

These images of My New Memories kind of reinforce my thoughts that the game will probably be a bit like the "Act II" of My New Family (and this isn't a bad thing at all). I have the feeling that something will come back to haunt the family(?) (I don't remember if you ever stated what we're gonna have in game, a family or foster family, etc.) a bit like it did after the vacation and the whole bussiness with Elaine that thank the heavens is finally over after 0.13.  

And I just hope that Mary and Maddie get some proper attention in 0.14. This is probably the first time that I have a negative impression on the game even though it isn't that bad, but I noticed that Maddie is kind of becoming, y'know, the "sex for sex" kind of character. I miss some wholesome/funny moments with her, pretty much every day that she was involved in recent updates involved purely a random reason for fucking her dry. And about Mary, I really miss her after the shitstorm that Elaine kindly brought with her from vacation and honestly one of my favorite events in 0.13 was the dinner with her, I was glad and relieved to see her back in the story as herself and not some kind of "underling" of Elaine.