Progress Update | 29/07/2024

Hello there you wonderful and extremely pretty people!

Another week, another progress update!

Let's jump right into the games because I sadly still don't have an update regarding anything.

I also wanted to say thank you for the great feedback on the lewd renders I posted last week! I had a lot of fun rendering again and I think I will keep that tradition up with posting more than one. Maybe some NSFW renders from the prequel day?

I decided to make the day of the prequel a little longer, that's why the script wasn't completely done yet. Especially the event I talked about last week with Sabrina and the MC will get a lot of dialogue which puts a big spotlight on their future relationship and what can possible happen in the main game going forward. Not going to spoil that much, but it's going to be one of the more important talks the MC has with Sabrina, basically setting the future they both have in mind in stone. Of course he didn't know that Anna would eventually come back, but the things they talk about kinda hint that he always hoped. Todays render is Lea in a pool, though, where the MC, Bethany, Sabrina, Lea and Katharina will go to in the afternoon. It's more of a little "private" pool, so they can be there undisturbed. Funnily enough, it also contains a sauna, even though the MC never went to one before. Maybe there is a certain big breasted ginger that will introduce him to the comfort of them? As we know, he really likes to go to the sauna in the main game, so I wonder who or what caused his big interest in it. Him and Lea will also have some fun in the pool ( SFW fun ), where they also will talk about a few things that explain a lot for the main game ( remember when Olivia told the MC she was afraid of water? Something like that ).

I also worked some more on the main game, starting a rather cute event where the MC is going to be alone with Lina. I don' want to say anything about that event in particular, but will just drop something a few people asked me now that the MC has all his memories back. Early on in Chapter 4 he will tell certain memebers of the family the whole truth about what happened with Sarah and Lina before they were adopted, but it's not something he is going to share with any of the other girls, especially not Lina. This is not to keep secrets from her, it's more that it's not really needed anymore now and it would only cause a lot of emotional stress in a time where the whole family is healing after Anna wakes up. Lina in general is just very interested in how Anna and the MC came up with the idea of adopting them, especially since they only got Sophie during that time. They never really had this talk before but Lina just feels that something extreme happened that night between the MC and Sarah. I will keep it light hearted but also very emotional, which will also play an important factor regarding the things Lina said in the sauna - her feelings for the MC.

And I think thats it for now. I will update you guys as soon as I hear anything new regarding my case, like usual, and I will also post a few more lewds this week, not only one. Stay awesome!

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