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Will the update come out this year?

That depends on the slow German police, unfortunately. See the updates on the 'My New Family' part of the site...


how do i buy this game please help

Any ideas on the next update?

He post  my new family that killer7 other game write post about progress for this game on my new family or try read patreon or discord.


How do you buy the game?


I cannot express how much I love this game! I had played through a fair bit of My New Family Before and I figured I would be getting a good heartfelt game here but WOW, did the dev really step his game up. Honestly I was just shocked by how much the story pulled me in, I almost immediately fell in love with the entire family, even our angry sister. The kids, the family, the wife, everything about this game is just perfect in so many ways. 

Dev really stepped up the character models in this game, they are well crafted, well staged and rendered, really felt like a big upgrade from the last game with a familiar style. The environment is pretty basic, and the world building is somewhat minimal, but the game really doesn't need much of that. What really stands out is the characters. 

I can't believe how much I felt for the wife considering the coma, but the dreams were a great idea to give us some time with the character, while still providing a really gripping story... I sort of hate the dev (In the best way)  a little when he was playing with my heart there. I couldn't believe how much it pulled on my heart strings every time we got a warning from our dream wife about something happening. I had this constant anxiety that it would be her death throughout the entire game, it kept me on the edge of my seat. I was shocked how quickly I came to care about the character, I think I would have genuinely shed some tears if things turned out badly for her. 

The other girls are just so adorable, all the kids are just a bundle of joy and happiness and it was wonderful seeing every interaction with the MC, I just couldn't get enough. The story with your sisters and mom was definitely interesting to say the least, each had there own issues and flair to them, but the angry sister (Can't remember if I changed her name so don't want to use a wrong name here.) is by far the one I am most interested in. Yea I like problem women, so what?! WE CAN FIX HER!! 

I'm interested to see what happens with the story, it seems some of our immediate danger has passed, and with the ending of the last  update things are going to be getting back to normal for our MC. (As normal as they can be with his memory problems.) I just know that I am in for a real heartwarming treat. The dev really does an amazing job at the sweetness overload in his games. 

I have to give this a 5/5 if you are looking for a cute, heartwarming, romantic VN, then you should look no further than this game. I am just in love with this game! Wonderfully done dev! 


Hello, I would have liked to buy the APK of the game but each time I click on buy it now, it says that he couldn't find the page. Is it normal?

Sorry to be rude, but what brought you to this situation? Was it some competitor who couldn't do the same as you. If there was (damn snake).

When do you think we're going to see the next update?

Small update dropped recently on Steam. Killer7 has been having some major computer problems lately that has slowed progress on this game to nearly a standstill. Looks like that may change soon hopefully. Upside, Killer7 put the downtime into finishing "My New Family", as the rendering for that one is significantly faster and easier for the lower end systems.

Where can I find the button to purchase that game ?

I can't find the download link and every time there's an update I either have a very very hard time looking for the link or I have to pay for it again so what do I do


Steam is probably the best bet. One time purchase, all future updates included. That's where I have it.


I would like to buy that game but the link for the purchase seems to be missing.


It's on Steam

Thank you, but steam is not accessible from my region


Just bought this one steam, hope all works out well for you Killer7 ,o./

Mega cool novel, I like the story very much, it makes you wish you were part of this family

Автор. Я ещё не прошёл всё. Но если появится хоть намёк на то что в хорошей концовке Анна не проснётся..... Я найду тебя и лучше тебе не знать что я сделаю.

Успокойся проснется она

Д я уже дошёл до этого момента). Как думаешь сколько ещё в гарем прибудет?))) Персонажей то много упомянули в разговорах 


soo it won't let me purchase the game?

Sorry I'm not trying to be rude but I like this game the artwork is absolutely beautiful The storyline is beautiful but for some reason your other game I'm not a fan of the artwork style versus memories so I would help you would keep up with the memories it's fantastic storyline amazing artwork keep up the good work

Definitely looking forward to more this game please keep it up as much as possible maybe even make a second memories game I know it's probably difficult making the game because of real life stuff but please don't abandon this game too many games that have been good have been abandoned lately and this is by far one of my favorite games so I'm hoping you will go long time with this game up to like chapter 12 or more or make a second game The storyline is absolutely beautiful and I love it looking forward to the next update please keep up the good work take your time don't rush looking forward to seeing your future content

Is this game still being updated past chapter 4 I absolutely love the storyline I've been playing it since you released it I love this game more than your other game honestly The storyline is so beautiful made me cry please continue so it's an amazing story.

Won't let me purchase the game?

Okay I have been putting it off but I finally went through the latest chapter and now I'm in so many tears 😭😭😭


Very good story.


how to purchase, clicking on BUY takes me to "We couldn't find your page" error

I have the same problem


One of the best stories i have played in a long time really enjoyed what there is  so far looking forward to more great work killer

Is this game no longer available? Cant buy or download it here


Will make a post about this soon, but it's not going to be available on to buy anymore. If you already own the game, you will still get updates.


The reason i ask, is that, idk where to get the game. Your patron has "my new family", but not my new memories? 


For now, the only way to get it officially is Steam. But on the Discord, you might find someone that can help you out with a different link..

you have f95 link on discord

Not sure if I've asked this, but is the Steam version still gonna get updates or do I need to download it from here?

First thing first i fucking love this game.

second I fucking hate you for leaving it there

There I said my piece take it how you will

Can't wait for MNF to be done so I can get more of this( even tho I like MNF too)


I absolutely love both of these games.  I got into visual novels to get away from reality and I get so lost in the stories.  You are by far the best, and my favorite visual novel author.  Thank you for these amazing stories.  Also, I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Will the game be free again or will we have to pay for the new update because when i got the game it was free if we have to pay its ok im just wondering for the future update

You would have to pay. Since it is on Steam it has to price match on anywhere it is posted. Does that help?


Subjective review is either hearts or lil swimmers depending on the game.  The more romantic and psychologically pleasing games get hearts!!  The more....feral and animalistic games get lil swimmers!!!!

My new memories personal review:

Story: 4.8 hearts; would get less for the amnesia aspect if it was spectacular in the next category!! 

Writing: 5.0 hearts; I would give more if I could!!  The writing/ dialogue is what elevates the amnesia story to Wunderbare Höhen!!  *Chef's kiss*

Animation: 4.9 hearts; perfect and near flawless design and execution!!  The eyes....they are the most perfect I have personally seen!!

Desire to read/re-play: ok so....I am giving a first....and only..... rating here!!  5.5 hearts!!  If you don't like that the rating is above 5.0 I have two very carefully chosen words for you!!  FUCK OFF!!!!

Total score: DRUMROLL(Fuck I love the metaphorical drumroll) please; First ever, never to be repeated (most likely) score (that averages to above 5.0) is!!

Total score out of 5 hearts: 5.25 hearts!!  FUCK!!  First; and thus far only; game I've given a score above 5 to!! 


You just said it all!!!


Just gotta say; before I give my admittedly subjective and arbitrary review; K7 is easily amongst the top 3 developers in the world; again subjectively speaking; in the adult story/ game genre!!  The subtle differences between romanticism and eroticism put them in a category with only one other!!  In my very humble and unworthy opinion that is!!  Vertigo and K7 if you want to feel tingly's while hard!!!!  They, along with Ni-Chan are head and shoulders above the rest!!

Saved progress has now vanished :( it survived an uninstall/reinstall with last update, but not this time

Is Bethany supposed to be loosely modeled after Sigourney Weaver?  Because every time I see her, I think she looks a lot like Sigourney Weaver. XD

hello everyone and hello K7 I thought the new update for my new memories was awesome Can I ask you K7 what is your plans for Jessica and Mike as for Jessica I hope that you do not make her do anything. Silly as for Mike, I would suggest a patron only poll and a discord Poll the poll for both discord and those who support you on patron would be do players of your game My new memories does Mike survive yes or no 


Bravo K7, bravo.  Chapter 3 was amazing and I loved all the MNF references too.  Downside is the long long wait for chapter 4

What's the difference between Android and new android?

Newer android versions require a different save method due to Google screwing with the permissions

yeah I guess my Droid is 2 old... 😆 🤣 

Things keep going like that in chapter 3 but i will behave and let you work out what/why for now.

(1 edit) (-1)

Continuity and constancy are a problem for you is it due to multi projects ?For example in late chapter 2 "Wait ...Who is Caroline"(yes i fixed Who's).Then a bit later the MC with amnesia knows not only who that is but adds stuff ?


Ay just wondering when we're gonna be going to be getting some Morgan content


Yup, this update did not disappoint. Great work, you're talented. Depth of characters, great design, good stories...

And Lina...

I mean i kindda guessed she'd be tantalizing, but damn...
I'm partial to gingers, i guess i'm not the only one around here, but this one...

Lina is a whole new breed of ginger.  We have no natural defenses against her. >_<

Because you have against the likes of Lucy? Man, you're tough.
I'd say Lina's way more sexy/mature in terms of character design but the storytelling with her insecurities and all bolsters her cuteness so she wins on both sides... It's not a matter of natural defenses it's a matter of OP character -_- <3<3<3<3
She's an upgraded version of the ginger queen before said queen turned bi and started frolicking with women. And one of the main reason i have any defense against the previous model is that tendency to play with others.
There's also better graphisms in MNM than in MNF.
I mean she's even playfull and successfull enought for the people who like strong independant women to not dislike her.
Sure if GILF is your thing you won't be attracted, but other than that? - but then there is her grandmother, also a pretty ginger -
Did i mention i was partial?

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