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(1 edit) (+2)(-8)

Tbh I wish there was an option to not beleive the landlady and j7ust make her feel horrible


New update on my new memories? Or have you abandoned it?


Working on too many games, and RL life is impacting the dev. Be surprised if any of his three games get finished.

What is the order? Having an epilogue before the game is finished doesn't really make sense.


its quite simple, he's abandoned this game, threw together this Epilogue to sum up a lame end to the story and moved on, MNF wont be getting anymore updates which is a shame because it has so much more potential

(1 edit) (+1)

So 0.14, Epilogue, Xmas Special?

I'm not too worried that it's abandoned. At least I know going in. 


He's got a legal issue surrounding the game, so until it's resolved yes it's technically abandoned. He's wanting to start on the next one once the issue is resolved from the bits and pieces I've gathered from his many updates

Rather curious. Are there any public details?

(1 edit) (+1)

He goes about as in depth as he can on here.  Look back to the posts after the current version about a year ago

Edit: went through to find what I could about the start of it,  18/09/2023 is the one where he's upset and venting and it goes from there, there seems to be one missing just prior but I could have just missed the mention


this game was done there was nothing else he was going to add


don't believe the IGPRacer guy the game is finished hes making another game based around the same concept as this one

It's strange how the passage of time works. I just got up to the part where the MC cuts contact with his father.. before his passing... Last time I played and got to this position, my father was alive, and I hated every minute of it. This time, well my father passed quite some time ago, and all I can do at this part of the game is cry...


Is there a patch for the android version so that they use proper family terminology? IOW, an incest patch?

Elsewhere yes, i think there's a way to change how they refer to you in game as well though (fill in the blank)


this might count as a bit of a spoiler but you said there will be a mnf 2 in the ending credits, is that still happening? or has mnm taken its place

Killer7 is actively writing the script for mnf2, chapter 4 mnm, and mnm:the beginning

sweet thanks for letting me know

Hey! Your updates have been very regular and now nothing for nine days. Is everything okay?

APK of 0.15 will not work on non-rooted devices using android 12 or newer due to Google locking everyone out of system files with no workaround.  any attempt to use update feature gets "App not installed as package appears to be invalid".  you can install it separately but you have no access to the original saves so the game will not play. 

Deleted 44 days ago

There is nothing the dev can do other than maybe make this whole game an update to the original for android.  Not their fault. Google is the villian here. The dev has a full harem save on their discord that you can use for pc, your only real option now for android 11 and newer devices.

Где можно просто скачать первую часть так как вторая без нее не работает, где бы не искал везде ошибки либо не работает

I have a problem with installing the epilogue on my chromebook. I have bothversions downloaded and neither one of them work. Help Please.


Hey, since this is a finished game, you should tag it as "Released" instead of "In development". I'd also recommend you to label the downloads better, I assume 0.14 is part A and Epilogue is part B? You should label it as such, newbie me was quite confused. I know you have some text that kinda explains it, but it could be clearer.

And yeah, you should give your players an opportunity to change character roles without needing to mod the game. Like My Bully is my Lover does it, or Prince of Suburbia.

Sorry for nagging!

How many chapters does it have?


How do you get the second Tonja scene? If it happens before you go on vacation then I missed it somehow. I've made every right decision too. If anyone can help it'd be appreciated. Thanks.

top choice that how you get the scene

Thank you the reply and help. :)

What choice?

Two choices tonja first top choice bottom 2nd choice all the top choice for every girl dev made easy geting scene only random maddie second test

Any updates regarding the other avn of yours called My New Memories?? The last update was such a bittersweet moment

i would like to know about this as well please


Here is he latest progress from the developers Patreon with a little info about what is happening with My New Memories (the game is still in development :) )

Strength and cheers to you.

Did the 23 version get merged with the epilogue, and just missed the memo...?


Why the hell are they called LandLady and Landlord when clearly are the protagonists either mother and father or Guardians.  A landlord and landladies relationship shouldn't have that much control on a residents living conditions.  Maybe it's some way to get away from the wording of mother and father I guess....     You know the whole woke bs trying to remove the perental titles.

Thats all i can think but changing your mother and father into landlord and landlady makes it confusing when you go to rent for the first time then out in the real world.  

Comming from an abusive houshold and having dealt with many things.  I agree there should be some resentment.  cause she didn't try to even get the cops involved.  but then again it also depends on how long the mental abuse was done.  the longer it was done the more likely even if she leaves she would still be trapped.  and while i say she.  women can do this to men too.  It's hard for people who have been in an abusive relationship or situation to bounce back or think correctly.  Some people who leave it and escape still end up trapped in it years latter ruining their relationships and life for many years to come afterwards.  always cowering in fear.  it's easy for those who have never been though it to comment on it cause they don't have a clue.  

And funny thing is I found most abusive people were people who never exsperianced hardship or abuse themselves.  cause they can't understand the pain they cause.

(2 edits) (+3)

Cause k7 replace it patreon banned  incest. follow patch instructions mod made this patch replaced landlady to mother ect


Honestly, very beautiful story. And fuck you for making me tear up... haven't played the epilogue yet but now I'm emotionally invested.  Great game <3


I am on android I am trying to update the new family app original to update it with new family epilouge. What do I do?


I downloaded and played What is next. Which version /download to continue the game.

That is the last version. You can play the Christmas Special which plays a few months after the epilogue.


i was wondering what the whole family in this game looks like in the other art form from my new memory and i know it will take u a bit but  it been on my mind and i completely understand if u cant 

"View all by Killer7" :D


im talking these character in my new family not the other game he made, learn to read ur in avn comment 


Learn to type understandable sentences :D

lmao the dev can read it but u cant, that says how smart u really are clown learn how to read its not hard 

Hm, hard to say, recreating them in DAZ3D ( The engine I use for My New Memories ) is pretty difficult, especially Lucy.

yeah i thought so but at least u thought about it 

(1 edit)

oh u know the game called through timespace game they made a girl just like lucy ear and tail too in daz3d if can ask him how, but is all up too u tho hope u have a good day 


Quite the boring game. You are told in the intro  that playing nice will bring more content, but I find it impossible to get immersed in a story where the protagonist just immediately forgives and forgets a decade and a half of abandonment by their landlady because of a three-minute sob story. At least there should be some choice where you confront her with her apathy.

Her claiming she knew your abusive, alcoholic landlord wouldn't hurt you, is just revolting, because she would not have any way of knowing that. An abuser regularly shifts their focus if their preferred target is no longer available.

Sure, there are plenty of sex scenes if you play nice, as we are told in the intro, but there doesn't feel to be a reason that they happen, beyond 'mystical plot armor'.

Sure, this is a game, a fantasy, but even a fantasy needs to be believable to some degree, and I can't believe that anyone, simply for shelter and a three-minute sob story, could immediately forgive and forget a decade and a half of abandonment, especially when you see the luxury mansion she lives in, and you learn what connections she has.

Everyone in this game: Be kind to your landlady and don't ever make her feel bad for abandoning you with an alcoholic and abusive landlord, she was crying for five whole days after that!! Then went on with her life, gained success and a loving family, while the protagonist rotted away in the slums.

I played through 0.14 a few times, so I am not basing this on one single bad palythrough. The story starts off with an unbelievable event, and everything after that is just hollow.

(1 edit) (+1)

Lol if people are gonna downvote you so heavily then I wish they would at least point out what it is you said that they think is so wrong. I'm just a neutral third party here and from what you said it makes me not wanna play the game lol. I hate protags that just let themselves get walked over, and I don't wanna spend hours just to find that out. 


What's the difference between epilogue and epilogue new???


is this game all most over


Hi im the beginner of this game can you help me witch one im gonna download first 😭



I'm have a problem where the Epilogue apk won't update the 0.14 apk. Am I doing something wrong?



How do I backup my savefiles?

I think create separte file placed that file in epilogue you can try ask ppl help discord if still have trouble with it.

(1 edit)

Fyi, There's still proofreading to be done. Both parts have many question marks on sentences that aren't questions and a few spots where a line is attributed to the wrong person.  Minor stuff.


Is it christmas or april fools day ? The xmas special has no sex whatsoever just a waste of time


how do I change the girls from saying landlady and roommate constantly it is driving me crazy

There's a mod somebody posted about called (I think) lovetime.rpyc that I believe does the job. I downloaded it ages ago from F95zone so I'm not positive, but I think it's the one you're looking for. If that isn't the right one, just search around, it's definitely out there.

How can I download the rest of the games it keeps telling me I don't have permission to download have to start a new since I got a new phone I even tried to download it to my laptop same thing as B4 no permission wat can I do

(2 edits)

Go to  app setting look for game you playing permission setting turn on permission let you play it that for the iphone or Android

(1 edit)
I was gone for a while ss from the patterns, due to the long commute.
Don't worry, things tend to work out.

For some reasons I can not play the epilogue. I understand, that it can not be played without the 0.14 edition but how should it be installed. First I copied the save files and got an error messages. Then I copied the epilogue files in the same folder as the 0.14 version. Nothing worked. How should it be  installed correctly.

Where is the 0.23 update? Its only showing the 0.14 and epilogue. I cant play the epilogue on Android. It keeps giving me an error message saying its conflicting with an existing package.

(1 edit) (+1)

You have to make separate backup save file 0.14 for epilogue work if you playing android version

and how do I do that??

Copy save have separate folder and delete 0.14 download epilogue i think how work i haven't done myself but that how killer7 explain post


Anyway to change it so they dont refer to each other as roomates and landlady? 

Deleted 282 days ago

there was a mod at one point but the page is down, hopefully someone makes a new one.


Hopefully!  Cause its fine....but some things are driving me nuts.


There's a translate function in script.rpy (IIRC) that does string substitution using values from an array.  Delete the contents of that function and make it just return the original string.  It's Python, so indentation must be correct.  But it takes all of about ten seconds.

thanks a bunch!  

(1 edit) (+2)

hey all the downloads for my new family 0.23 are not working at all and it not working anywhere  for Mac


That's the Universe punishing you for buying a Mac


Pc and mac should work fine if you save last ending 0.14 android version have make backup save separated file work for Epilogue


I have downloaded  both apk for android  but when i tey to update it says invalid.. am i doing something wrong or is anyone elae having this issue. I have version 0.23


how to fix this problem


keep click reload nothing happened


Try clicking "Rollback", as instructed.

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