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Lets fucking goooooooo

I understand :( but u could tell me if there is a way for me to translate your game myself which game file could mercher and translate of course if u allow i don't want to ruin your work in this game

You need something called "Unren" to get the gamefiles, then just edit the "script.rpy" etc files, they contain all the dialogues etc.

I'll try thanks for the attention sorry if I bothered you good luck with the progress of that great game!!

(1 edit)

I can't wait for 0.16 oh I'm so excited!!!!!!!ᕕ(՞ᗜ՞)ᕗ #imnotgonnasleeptonight

You know it bad for your health


what is sleep

I am really loving it! Just a question tho: is landlord and roommates supossed to be taken as mom/dad and sister?

Every up date you need to re-apply the file that changes to mother and sisters etc. download this. Instructions on the site.   On a earlier post from Killer7

killer 7 i was wondering if u could bring a portuguese translation to 0.14 because many brazilians will add their work in this game plus some have difficulty with english please if possible we appreciate if u can bring a translation.


I don't speak portuguese sadly :/...

Killer7 what are you doing for Christmas?

I was working, actually, finished work on the current update :D But after that I relaxed for the most part :)

Alguien sabe como ponerlo a español


Killer 7 you the best creator I ever met cuz I can feel it the game you create you put your heart into it and it the best I ever played and MNM is so emotional in a good way the fate he lost his memories and he still try to remember and reconnect with his family it just it just ugh I need more of it pls make more

Ok so how to download MNM in discord cuz it my first time in discord and I don't know what to do

There is a #alpha-faq channel, you have to react to the pelican emoji there to get the role!

I don't know if the creator  will ever see this but this is an amazing game I have a few favorites but this one tops them all I can't wait to find out what happens with Lucy its just an amazing game and I wanted to say thank you and out of curiosity it says in the development log that the public version should come out around Christmas will there be a Christmas scene at all?

I have a christmas render on my patreon page, free for everyone to check out regarding My New Family. can find it there! :)

killer 7 vc poderia faser traduçao portugues para as versoes depois da 0.6 porfavor?

When I downloaded the 0.14 version becca and the others are addresses as cousins, landlady, etc. Why is this happening? Before I downloaded it the games addressed them by there name

Every up date you need to re-apply the file that changes to mother and sisters etc. download this. Instructions on the site.   On a earlier post from Killer7

(1 edit)

MNM available for android?

On the discord, yes. Windows, Mac and Android.

Hey killer 7 when you plan on doing update for v0.16

I think they said later this week.

hey great game man, I almost finished chapter 10 when my phone glitched and I had to restart it. I lost all of my progress tho. I’m not asking for my data back I’m asking if there is a way to skip to the choices and skip the cutscenes and transitions?

just turn down the auto-forward time in the options and click on auto on on the bottom. You won't be able to click auto again as long as the setting is still set to the minimum.


All i can say is im always counting the days til the next release. Keep it up.

Hey killers 7 is the release next week????????????????????????????????

Deleted 3 years ago

No, he is not dead, in certain places you see people :D.

Spoiler alert!

You see a lot of people in the mall

Deleted 2 years ago

It actually says that you can only load a game from .14, because .15 iS the next section.

I like the game overall... the story, the animation, etc. But there's one thing that bothers me, the sex scene, even though I like the animation I don't like where you put the player's point of view.

I'd recommend it to be first-person view so we, the player, can see the girl's body and expression pretty clear, and so that we don't get to see a man's butt every sex scene. Almost every s*x scene is a third-person view and it makes me feel like I'm watching someone having sex through a CCTV or watching them having sex while I was behind them.

Though it'd be better if you make every scene to be first-person view, It still a pretty good game, 9.5/10 


Yeah, the first shower part with Sandy was pov iirc and I loved that.

I love this game so far, im on chapter 3 or 4 but i always get a laugh with how meta thus game gets sometimes like how they draw attention to how theres nobody around when the mc is out and stuff like that



First I like the VN mostly, there are only a few minor thing up to the point i'm at now.


Mostly there are a few slight issues with the german test:

The first one, even if you don't answer A every time Maddie tells you every answer would be correct and asks why it is always A. Feels off if you didn't answer A every time. To give the player the option to answer wrong but not doing anything with it, takes away from the decisions matter illusion of the VN.

Second, first and second question are not as easy as it looks, the Berlin Wall fell only more or less in the night from 9th to 10th of november 1989 (the borders were opened for freely travel), but the contract reuniting both countries was signed on 3rd of october 1990. Therefore technically the border and with that the Wall fell not until then. And tearing down the wall took until 30th of november 1990 afterwards. Asking for a specific event like when the DDR opened their borders for everyone to cross freely (1989) or when the reuniting contract was signed (1990) would be better.

And as there is no indication when the game takes place (only that it's after 1991, potentially more around mid to late 90s or later), the capital could very well be Bonn still in it, as the capital only changed to Berlin in 1999 (after changing it was finally decided in 1994), and technically it seems it took until 2006 to actually get Berlin as the Capital into the constitution, and parts of the government still are in Bonn. Changing the option for answering Bonn to idk Frankfurt or Munich or some other widely known city would be the best fix (imo), else you could add some date on the sheet which could be an easier fix.

Third, the translations are a bit off, concerning question 5 "I'm going to see you tomorrow!" is "Ich werde dich morgen sehen!" (if translated literally) but more like "Wir werden uns morgen treffen!" (= "We're going to meet tomorrow") "Wir treffen uns morgen" or "Wir sehen uns morgen!" (= "We see eachother tomorrow"), as you normally don't really mean only you will see the other person, like in only with your eyes (i mean sure it could be something a stalker means with that), but actually meeting them. And the answer to question 4 misses the "etwas" (= a bit) part of the sentence, but that's just nitpicking and not really anything anyone would notice if there wouldn't be anything else to feel off.

Other than that not having to think about decisions just having to pick the first one to get the best results every time, takes away from the illusion of decisions that matter too.

I’m on mobile and everytime I restart my phone, my progress is restarted

Have you tried saving last spot you been at that might save alot trouble if you been restarting your phone

Anyone got a link to a good game walkthrough I've played the game before but fucked on some choices so I thought it'd be nice to use a game walk through

This game base harem normally suppose nice choice not bad one if you trying to be relationship with girls

Always pick top choice except during Maddies 2nd test. This will lead you to having all girls.

Thank You

Okay im only on chapter 2 but i really need an arc to go and beat the fuck outta dad.

Does anyone know when you get tanja as a li?



Anybody else check this page Everyday for a new update?

(2 edits)

I have recently cause I'm curious about my new memories and next chapter my new family waiting for free version. I can't afford to pay patreons  atm to do beta test veries

My New Memories updates will be faster if you sign up on Killer7 discord that is the only place he plans to release the Alpha of MNM.  As state by him it will not go to other public servers. Part of the reason he wants feed back on whats done so far and he may change things entirely


Just check every monday bro.

is there anyway to change the landlady and landlord thing??? download this. Instructions on the site.   On a earlier post from Killer7

thanks mate

Will there be a 0.17 next year or nah?, I didnt understand.


OH the story will continue in next year its just he was saying that .016 will be the end for this year


Tnx for making this godly Work. Always made my day when I think about it.


Sorry good Work.


Keep going. I can´t wait 0.16. You doing god work.

Not played much so far but I am enjoying it, there are some issues with the grammar IE: keeps saying landlord and landlady but then half roommate. Am I right to assume what is meant is Father, Mother and Half Sisters? Translation I think is just a little off.

Another example is when you first speak to Becca about why she left you during the conversation her shirts color changes and the graphics look a little worse. I assume it was an old version of the scene that has been overlooked.

Over all the game seems pretty nice but there are some changes that I do think needs to be checked on when you have time.

(+1) download this. Instructions on the site.

Hey I've followed the instructions for android exactly but it still hasn't changed anything. Any advice?

(1 edit)

Then you did it wrong

The landlord landlady is apart of the game. Same as neighbor and tenants or tenets.


I love this game. You are doing a great job with the story Killer7. Keep it up :)

Amazing game!, since this is a new season can you make a separate app (for those that want to go back to 0.14) since the gallery is going away with a brand new gallery 0.15? 

(2 edits)

He already did if you didn't see 0.14 still under 0.15 only difference you be 0.1-0.14  and 0.15 be playing different season and deleting app 0.15 so you can install 0.14 that hasn't changed android app not sure how pc/mac same or different

I have both 0.14 and 0.15 on my pc and can launch 0.14 to view gallery

(1 edit) (+1)

When the next update was coming?


Look at the devlog and it will tell you


Absolute masterpiece. Great job to killer7 for this work of art. I've laughed, cried, thought lewd thoughts, but regardless sucks that tonja arc is probably not going to continue. What a good pet she is.

anyone know how I can get Lucy.

Did you do the plan to destroy Tanja? If you did, then do the nice guy path not the ass hole one. Doing the ass hole one will piss lucy off and end her arc. Do the nice guy option and you can take tonja on a date where lucy is there and we'll it's how you gget lucy to fall for you. 

I never did the tanja pet route. Lucy really leaves you?

She doesn't leave, she just wants nothing to do with you. Thankfully I saved before I made the choice at the date cause I didn't want lucy to hate me.

If you trying to get lucy nice choice not bad one that includes Tanja event on revenge if you need to know how don't choose bullies route if you doing Tanja revenge this base harem everyone mc meets use nice choice killer 7 hasn't made game being relationship with one girl whatever female you pick

anyone have a save file i can use for the new update?

Did you not save from 0.14 last ending

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