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So last time I played this was about four or so months ago and I loved this update and how the story is progressing. I'm really looking forward to the next one. While not important yet since the game has a bit to go before it's finished the one main complaint I have, which i have with a lot of games on here, is the English grammar and sentence structure needs some work. Otherwise this is definitely turning into a great game. Thanks for all the work you've put into it.


Hey man me and my cousin just want to say that we love your work dude, cant wait for the future updates man, we really love Lucy and Sandra, and your work inspired us to create some of our own, and we want to ask you for some tips and e what are the programs that you use to create the characters and scenery?

PS1: we see that like us you have a soft spot when it comes to red heads lol

PS2: we really love  your work and we are so sorry that we cant help you on patreon dude but we live overseas and dont have any international credit cards, sorry again and keep up with the good work!!!


hey there!

Glad that both of you like the game and that it inspired you to make your own!

The Engine the game runs on is called ren'py and the graphics are made with Honey select!

And no worries about the patreon thing, you guys enjoying the game is amazing Support already!


Thanks, if I end up uploading a story,  I'll be sure to put a Killer7 easteregg on it!! XD


wow, looking forward to it,hope I can get internet in Kenya. I am moving there from april 2.


how many updates do you expect to come?


Hm, hard to say. I still have a few ideas in mind and new characters to introduce, so it will be a while :D


wonderful game, are waiting for 7 to come


still waiting for next update.....

(1 edit) (+1)

Love it so far can't wait for more!!!!


Any chance there will be an option to change character dialogue? The whole roommate and landlady thing is awkward and makes for odd dialogue. I know why it was changed from the original, but if there could be an option to change it back that would be great. Maybe a code you can enter or something idk. Other than that it's a good game . 


In the main menu you see a "codes" option. Click on that and enter the code "realstory" , this will unlock the incest path of the game.

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+6)

I cant wait for 0.7 great game


ohmahgerd. That SUCKED!!!
Because it had to end.
Good work m8.  The worst part of your update is the ending, because it's always too soon.  I need MOOOOOARRRRRR.  


How do we report bugs?

For example, When Mary found hero and Maddie, when they are doing their challenge, Mary tells Maddie to go to her room, but it is displayed with Maddies name. Also there was another one, later, but it was just missing "to" in a sentence to make it sound was something with word "think". Either it sound strange, or it should be "to think" or "thinking"....I think.



The best place to report bugs is on discord, typos and such especially so I can fix them right away.

(1 edit) (+2)

I have an error

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 27221, in script
    if truthordarebeccamary:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 27221, in <module>
    if truthordarebeccamary:
NameError: name 'truthordarebeccamary' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 27221, in script
    if truthordarebeccamary:
  File "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\dfer\MyNewFamily-0.6-pc\renpy\", line 1832, in execute
    if renpy.python.py_eval(condition):
  File "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\dfer\MyNewFamily-0.6-pc\renpy\", line 2059, in py_eval
    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
  File "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\dfer\MyNewFamily-0.6-pc\renpy\", line 2052, in py_eval_bytecode
    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/script.rpy", line 27221, in <module>
    if truthordarebeccamary:
NameError: name 'truthordarebeccamary' is not defined

My new family 0.6
Fri Jan 31 21:17:10 2020

Deleted 4 years ago

Hey, I just uploaded the fixed version for this here on that should fix all errors!


Awsome! keep up the good work cant wait for updates to come

(1 edit) (+2)

A great game, very interesting story so far and alot of goodies everywhere. The luck of the MC is a superpower in itself :P  I wish i got amnesia just so I could replay the game fresh again. Looking forward to the future updates! 

Best wishes to Killer and all who contributed to the game!


i cant wait for the update that's dropping today 


Can I ask how you made that graphics? I’m looking to make somewhat like an Dating Sim in the future, and that info could help.

Also, another thing regarding graphics, there are some scenes where the environment looks too big, fixing this would make the game better.


Hey Killer7 I just wanted to let you know that this is one of the best visual novel type games I've seen out there. What I like the most is that the characters actually move and interact with the environment around them unlike many others out there where the background is just that a background picture and the characters just appear in front of it. Really looking forward to more of this game it's awesome. You have really done an amazing job. Thanks. 


I though it would be a fun little play but no the story drew me in and now i cant wait for the next update because pof the cliffhanger but great job and keep it up.


I wanted to enjoy this game but.. Throughout the first few days they keep referring to each other as landlord/landlady/roommates instead of father/mother/sisters. Makes the dialogue very confusing and lose immersion in the story. Also the perspectives is way off in many places, the character you are conversing with are far away and looks very odd. Also scaling... The characters look far too small for their surrounding. In one scene the door handle was level with Sandra's head.  I wanna try this again hopefully after an update and changes.


Code: 'realstory' changes it to the family titles as opposed to the other ones

I found the place where it is input.  On the main page, there is a dialog for code input. It is inserted after clicking on the button and it works.


Must. Have. Moar.


Hi! I just finished 0.5, And I must say I loved it! I like how you can go down all the different paths and it's very detailed! When do you think 0.6 will be out?


Hopefully by the end of this month. I reached my goal on Patreon so I will implement six days this time!


I can't wait


I’ve really been enjoying this so far and I’m always looking forward to new updates! It’s interesting that only the sisters have red hair.


i love this game cant wait for the next update 


Love the story Killer7 can't wait to see what happens next. Hate cliffhangers but this one is brilliant. Thanks for the great game.


Really enjoyed the new update thank you for you hard work. I hope you keep up the amazing work 😊👍


Thanks for your new release. Sandra looks great in this new version. I can see you improved your HStudio skills 👌

It's looking good so far. Please, keep the good work! 🍻


Chuckling @ the file size for PC.
Been waiting all month for this. hehehee


(ps if it sucks I'm bombing your pc) jk


Really enjoyed the story you put together here. Looking forward to the next update. Prithee, what is the process for updating my save game w/o accidentally overwriting it?


Can't wait to get the next update!


Secret code: "realstory" to get the incest.

Me da wea escribir en ingles asiqueeeeee.

el juego es completamente brutal .


I'm glad we were able to help you and thank you for making such a great game. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas 🎄😊


When is the next update coming out? You have done a really good job so far and I can't wait for more 👍


Hey there!

Version 0.5 ( the next update ) should come out in ~2 weeks. A bit less maybe, depending on how much I manage to get done. End of this month is my roughest estimate.


Okay thank you for your quick response. Keep up the god tier work 👍


You bastard.

Every. Single. Time. I get a new addition to this game, I eat through it in a day and I JUST WANT MORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRE! 

Seriously. Mega props. This game is great. 


You scared me there for a second haha. I'm working on 0.5 at the moment and putting as much of my time into it as I can. So expect the release at the end of this month!


I loved the story so far so I'm glad to hear that the next update is coming soon


Now you just need to add in your smooth vocals as a voice-over for the player-character's dialogue x)

Nice job, Killer!


Excellent work! I'm excited to see how your story unfolds!


Absolutel one of my top five games all-time. Excellent work. Keep it going.


Hi! I just finished 0.4, And I must say I loved it! I like how you can go down all the different paths and it's very detailed! When do you think 0.5 will be out?

Hey there!

Thank you for your feedback! I'm glad you liked the game so far.

0.5 Should be out by the end of december, I will give an exact date once I'm closer to finishing it. It will 100% be december though!


Hi! I just played your game, and I must say i like it.  I'd like to play a finished version someday, so, I'm going to throw a few bucks into this project. Keep the good work!

Thank you so much! That really means a lot to me and I can assure you developing will continue at a high pace!

0.4 is awesome. Love the leaning toward the harem side.  Weird thing happened at the family dinner.  When Lucy walked into the room, it put me by the front door again asking if I should just go in and completely skipped the dinner scene.  Is this a bug or due to my choices?

(1 edit)

That's a bug on my side, I fixed it and will upload the fixed version here in a bit, was an error on my part with the dialogue tabbing if you don't have enough lovepoints with Lucy.

(1 edit)

Fixed version is uploaded!



First game i've played on here that i really got into. Literally got through all of 0.3 in a day. Wish i hadn't rush as i wanna play more haha. will be getting on Patreon as i really wanna get behind this game. Great job. 

Deleted 80 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)


0.4 started development last week so I would say end of november is my targetted release date. Usually I try to release one major update each month. 0.4 will be a lot bigger than 0.3 though thanks to my patrons being amazing! Take the last day of 0.3 as an example of how long the three days of 0.4 are going to be! ( I mean each day will be as long as the last day of 0.3 )

Deleted 80 days ago
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