Hey, in one of the future updates can we have the mc meet/run into his ex(Melanie) while out with his girlfriend(s) and stuff. It sounds funny sooo........ Please? Maybe when they're on their way to the hospital in his old city or something. Also I love the game just FYI.
So I have to say I love this chapter killer worth the wait.
Look forward to where you will go with Tanja's mother and hope to see more scenes with the other girls I love the gingers but sometimes I feel they are the main focus for everything.
Thanks for your amazing work. I have played through it a few times and I always enjoy the interactions the characters have with each other. I am looking forward to your other works as well. :)
So I am trying to load my save from ch 17 but it wont work just keeps getting error messages. Any help would be nice my save is right at the end of ch17 where 18 should kick in.
If you want to play the 0.17 you have to load a save where MC propose to Sandra. If you try to load a save before mc propose to Sandra you just gonna get an error.
I like parts of it still really early in game. Will say that I feel like for this type of story the pacing is off. People like/love you way way to fast. Now usually you can get away with this sort of thing with a more light type of novel. But there is a ton of drama early and often. So I feel like the pace Becca and MC set should have been closer to Sandra. Like it only takes a couple days and she is in love? Even Lucy seems to accept you really fast.
Of course there is a balance since this is an H game. So if you needed sex scenes earlier to fill the void I feel like should have done more with Fiona and added just a couple other girls. Speaking of Fiona, even accepting her deals it is strange cause you don't really feel like an employee you know? I am showing up to"Work" but where is the pay? Apologies if this is covered later still in chapter 2.
Not attacking the game. I actually like a lot of it and feel it has potential. Just the pacing is off for me. Having the real sad story line does not real fit well with harem stories. At least early on in them, that stuff usually fits in better later in the game once relationships are really developed and stuff.
Go to Killer's Patreon and look for the posts that talk more about My New Family and about the man (Killer) himself (they were posted for everyone, no need to pledge). Then you'll understand why the game is like this, from start to nowdays.
Created this account just to comment in honor of 0.18, which is something I've been wanting to do since first downloading the game. I'm sure you get hundreds of comments in regards to how good the game is BUT I would still like to add my little slice. No game, no matter what is never 100% perfect but this stands beside some of the best VNs I've played, and I've played a lot this last year. The relationships are humble and emotional, the physical scenes are lewd and exciting and the story just warms your heart, which is something I think we've all needed lately. I am very much looking forward to 0.18 and excited to see just how far the story goes. You keep up the GREAT WORK and continue to share the story of this New Family!!!!
(MC=Main Character.) Contains Spoilers! Sorry, very long but hopefully interesting.
So, I have been playing this game (for a second time,) and I don't know, it's just all about sex, really, and nothing else. I was hoping for a lot more story, but all the MC wants to do is have sex with every girl he meets, and he does! Everything he does has a sexual connotation. Yes, he is a "sweet and kind" man, but basically also a selfish pervert! I played this again to get the Lucy route (as I missed it on my last playthrough,) because everyone says it's the best route, but I disagree. The MC uses too many stupid "cat" jokes and it is getting on my nerves a little, which is a shame. I hate bullying and this is what this is. And Lucy's character is basically the same as all the other girls, it's just taking the MC longer than usual to get her impregnated. But, I am glad I also had the Tanya route this time as well and Yvonne (which I never had last time either.) It was wrong the way the MC did what he did to Tanya, but she definitely deserved some punishment. To me, the best characters are Sun, Maddie and Fiona. In fact, if it wasn't for Maddie and Fiona I would of dumped this game ages ago. Sandra Is OK, but I wish she wasn't the MC's main love interest because she is so boring! I hoped it could of been Maddie who was the MC's main love interest. The other thing that has changed in this playthrough is a sexual relationship with mother, which, completely threw me and almost made me delete the game! It took me a quite a while to get that into my head. I still find it very weird and have to click the mouse fast to get past it when they have sex. I am not on Grandma yet, thank goodness! This second playthrough is much longer than my last play through (which was about 8 hours including al of version 017.) I am still on chapter 3 after about 15 hours on this second play through. I am kind of enjoying it, I just wish there was a lot more back story and not just the MC trying to have sex with as many women he can and that is it.
I have played the full thing. As I stated, this is second play through I only played it a second time because everyone said that Lucy is the best route, so I played i to get her route and I don't think it's a good route. It's Ok, but not as good as everyone says. I am now on the vacation part and getting close to Granny! And I am going to replay it to the end, but I am playing another VN at the moment. Thanks for the reply.
I don't know. I do find the MC a bit annoying, really. He definitely hides his feelings and self-security behind a wall of humor, especially when things get too serious or heartfelt. I mean, at first, it's fine. But after time in the story and healing from his past, it could show the MC maturing as a person instead of never changing at all. And I do agree a bit, the characters can be a bit one dimensional. They don't really change or evolve much and stay to their one scripted roll in the story. The biggest ones that do change some are Lucy and Tanya, mainly because their backstories were pretty heavy.
Yes, because they are only half sister, cousin etc, so not really related fully . But that is his real mum! That's what did it for me. And, I am totally fine with the others, but I was willing to put up with it because of the situation of the MC''s character not seeing any of them until now. And it is only a game and some of the other characters (like Maddie's' for example,) are fun characters to read. l. I also wished there were girl on girl action too. Like, Sandra on Maddie. Thanks for the reply.
We've tried explaining before, they're fully related. Sandra, Lucy, Alice, Rebecca, Mary, Elaine; all directly related by blood. You shouldn't be weirded out by one form of incest and not others.
OK. I still don't get it but am willing to accept it. I had always had it in my mind that unless you had both the same parents you weren't properly related. But, fair enough. Thank again for the reply..
I mentioned this before to you lol. Half-siblings are still very much related. Yeah, if, say a half-brother and half-sister have a child, there's less chance to have a child with deformities or issues, but there's still a higher chance. They still share half the DNA from one parent. Which makes them 100% related. It's not like step-siblings, where they are only related by marriage and have no blood relation.
So just imagine that your own father or your own mother had a child with another woman or man. Would you not consider them properly related to you just because the child doesn't have both the same father and mother as you?
You took the game completely wrong... either that or you just talking shit because you think it's fun. Play the whole fucking game, man and AFTER that you can make a full review on that, unless you're really doing the second thing I said. If so, then fuck you I think.
And explain a thing to me: if you don't like incest, why the fuck are you playing this game????? The focus of it is literally that.
"MC uses too many stupid "cat" jokes" this is my only gripe - the same jokes over and over again, not just the cat jokes, but on all the paths with all the girls.. and by the end of the game it is becoming really annoying to have to read them, because i know exactly whats going to be said before the next screen comes up. oh, and i cant stand maddie, its like she's been thrown in as "a strong independent woman who can do whatever a man can do", she's a Mary-Sue if i ever saw one. so goddamn unrealistic its sickening to watch. if the game wasnt so long-winded, id go back and cut her out of my life (i was cumming over her body deliberately for a reason, then she raped me to cum inside her), now shes sending fucking love letters that sound like a middle-school child wrote them (maybe lost in translation) - but this bit is not a game breaker like the repetitiveness is
Jesus Christ man, I can see that you really enjoy shitting on my game...I guess it's best if you move on, there are so many games out here that probably won't trigger you that much. Everything you complain about is actually well explained in the game, especially the middle school stuff MC and Maddie exchange in their love letters. But yeah...I read your other comments and I guess that's your main purpose here, shitting on my game ^^.
you are seriously that butthurt over some long-overdue feedback that you would block a paying customer? and no, i have not been "shitting on your game", quite the bloody opposite, as demonstrated by my other comments which have overall DEFENDED your game, not "shitted on it"
as i said, i love the game, its concept is original and unique. but im an honest person, and im trying to help you here - otherwise yr gonna lose others as well as you repeat the same damn lines over and over again.. now be the typical leftist, and block me and delete my comments like the cowards that leftists are... and if thats the path you truely are taking, you know they will come for you too, cos leftism always eats its own. grow the fuck up and take some customer feedback like a real fucking man.
There is a big difference between honesty and just someone blatantly shitting on something just for the sake of it. Everything you said was not constructive at all, it was just blatant hatred for things YOU don't like. And that's cool. But why go out of your way to write three paragraphs of stuff that is not constructive at all? Just move on and play something else?
There is actually a way of grabbing the game music from the game, but I don't think Killer7 would like me to explain how! Maybe you could look it up for yourself. I have all this game music as MP3's on my phone, just don't tell Killer7!
Did you finish 14 save last ending before download new one if the android 10 below just delete old one add new one if android 11 he has different download I think I haven't seen link. Yet for it
Playing on Android (or attempting too). I downloaded and installed 0.17 and got the whole "you need a save file from 0.14 to play dis" ok. Ive doenloaded and deleted 0.14 about 5 times now because it will not install. Nothing I do will let the game be installed and inwould rather like to play it. Suggestions?
This sounds like an issue on your phone. First, I would delete 0.17 if you still have that installed. Then you should download 0.14 and make sure you have at least 3GB of space available on your phone. Usually that should fix most issues. Sadly, a lot of phones struggle with the rather big filesize for 0.14...
I'm sorry if this is actually something obvious or if this has been answered already but I didn't find anything regarding this, so, can I somehow set the game's titles? By that I mean how the characters refer to each other because right now, it feels kind of awkward that they always call the main character their "big roommate". This is the kind of title I'd want to change, and no, I don't mind if that would be incest then. If I can, how? What am I supposed to do?
Patch is not made by Killer7 because that would be against patreon TOS. It's made by a Modder and hosted on a site for patches like this. Here is the link:
I love this game and I'm trying to re-download it but can't because itch.io links aren't working evry other site I've used worked, is there a different way I could download this.
Edit: I figured it out I just have to say after what I think is one year playing this game it's still baffling how good it Is
So I play on android and halfway through my playthrough i lost the ability to save and interact with menu were you can save and load, skip and such so everytime i play i now have to rely on an auto save because don't wanna start again and lose all my progress, all those functions i mentioned are nowhere to be see just the games dialogue, so is their anyway to fix this? i've tried plenty to undo hide if that was what it is but to no avail. if not its fine i guess...
During the feast, there is a dish on the table that looks like a cake wrapped in bacon...with a duck on top...Is that something created just for the game or is that a real life dish(if it is a real food, what is its name)?
Probably just a model used for the game, not an actual dish. The developer probably has a lack of food models to use in the game (like many of the other VNs), so they use what they have available (or find funny). Like the running gag in this game with pancakes. There's literally no one alive who could eat pancakes literally everyday for multiple meals and be fine or not grow tired of it after a while lol.
Same goes with the steak and potatoes for breakfast they had one time. Just used what was available instead of finding/making a bacon and eggs model to use.
Are you trying to load a savegame that was not made at the end of 0.14? This is usually the error you get in this case. If hitting "rollback" doesn't fix it, then I would try donwloading 0.14 and try saving when the game tells you to save again. Use this savegame then to play 0.17.
For some reason my computer didn't unzip it correctly. I deleted it and unzipped it again, then it worked fine, the folder even looked different after that ... first install showed blank files on the folder icon, second time it was showing an image, so I knew something was different, it's been working fine now. But yeah, I also get the error when I try to load a previous save that's too far back into 0.14.
And also, OMG ... the scene with all three redheads in 0.17, holy shit ....... thank you for that. I cannot wait to see more -
What happened to the Gallery? 0.17 has gotten rid of most of the unlockable scenes for the women. In 0.14 Becca has 10 unlockable scenes in the gallery, but only 2 in 0.17. Dianna has been completely removed from 0.17's Gallery.
if you want the gallery for 0.1-0.14 than you will have to DL 0.14 it will have the gallery for chapters 1-9. the new updates starting with 0.15 and going to current is like a new season and will have gallery for current chapters
I don't know if you're ever willing to go back and edit completed versions. If you ever are, I'd highly recommend considering an option to rush up to and hug Alice as soon as she says Martin is her father/landlord.
I completely love what you've done with almost the entire story line. However in that one scene being forced to simply stand there feels completely wrong to me. I understand that change would require changes to other scenes later as well, but I think it would offer a much more fulfilling story option.
Honestly, it was right for the script. Kind of wrong, yes, but it set the pace for the MC about getting closer to Alice. It makes the scene at the hotel and the one at the house later on a lot easier to set the overall progress of their relationship.
And btw Alice would just freak out if the MC straight up hugged her, even with the whole "you're my brother" thing. Respecting someone else's space is important.
I keep getting an error has occurred and a giant line of code on 0.17. Am i doing something wrong when installing it?? Hoping I don't gotta lose my progress to fix it.
Can you post the error? I might be able to help out :). And don't worry, if you lose your progress there is a savegame on my discord I can upload here as well.
The Game is Great Seriously, Sure their are grammar errors or spelling here and their but I find that funny in some ways also the touching feels backstory time sometimes seems irrelevant to the situation at hand since its brought up alot and seems to be their for exposition but honestly i ain't complaining cause once again i find it hilarious and I get to mock it (not in a bad way mind you) just the fact they bring the character circumstance alot y'know i treat it like those spanish drama which are overly dramatic i've only ever seen in sitcoms and the like, all the characters are the best i see some saying this is best and giving criticism but i can't fault any because they all become beloved the more you play, the banter and wittyiness of them all I absolutely adore, some really emotional moments i really like and have a tear in my eye, the scenes are godly and y'know about that... people down below are talking about the scenes, sex and incest and the Intricacies , i don't think these people regular certain sites and such (idk maybe) but all that becomes commonplace when you've play alot of these types of games and they seem like normies who maybe stumble here (just my opinion don't be offended)(i could be wrong) honestly I love this game and all the characters they all have a place in my heart now and brought me joy and happiness seriously keep up the good work and don't change whatever your doing cause its perfect.
Am I? How? I love the game and characters, all of it brought me joy, I didn't bad-mouth anything and even gave reasons as to why somethings were still fun even though a problem yet at the same time they weren't a problem because of the fun, contradicting i know... and also just gave an opinion on some comments down below mine and what i thought is that ultra passive-agressive
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Problem? If u still have it, i can probably help...
Hey, in one of the future updates can we have the mc meet/run into his ex(Melanie) while out with his girlfriend(s) and stuff. It sounds funny sooo........ Please? Maybe when they're on their way to the hospital in his old city or something. Also I love the game just FYI.
Another perfect update
So I have to say I love this chapter killer worth the wait.
Look forward to where you will go with Tanja's mother and hope to see more scenes with the other girls I love the gingers but sometimes I feel they are the main focus for everything.
i tried to load mine but got this Screenshot by Lightshot (prnt.sc) instead
Rollback did NOT cause more issues; worked like a charm, really. So, thanks.
the game will be online above or just downloadable?
probably just downloadable. Its to big i think
The update was really great!! Especially the scene at the last day, it was cool, keep up the good work killer7!
Not sure why it bothered me so much, but:
"All the feelings I surpressed over the years because of me being a stubborn and stupid bitch"
"surpressed" -> "suppressed"
Hey killer7, at the start of the chapter, did you remove the bg music?
I think I might have disabled it for the chapter screen yeah, not sure ^^
Thanks for your amazing work. I have played through it a few times and I always enjoy the interactions the characters have with each other. I am looking forward to your other works as well. :)
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
AttributeError: 'TransformState' object has no attribute 'size'
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "game/chapter12.rpyc", line 9610, in script
File "D:\Downloads\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 708, in execute
renpy.exports.say(who, what, *args, **kwargs)
File "D:\Downloads\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 1345, in say
who(what, *args, **kwargs)
File "D:\Downloads\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\renpy\character.py", line 1142, in __call__
self.do_display(who, what, cb_args=self.cb_args, **display_args)
File "D:\Downloads\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\renpy\character.py", line 842, in do_display
File "D:\Downloads\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\renpy\character.py", line 591, in display_say
rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse='say', type=type, roll_forward=roll_forward)
File "D:\Downloads\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\renpy\ui.py", line 297, in interact
rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
File "D:\Downloads\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 2702, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
File "D:\Downloads\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 3194, in interact_core
self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn)
File "D:\Downloads\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 2094, in draw_screen
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 490, in renpy.display.render.render_screen (gen\renpy.display.render.c:6805)
rv = render(root, width, height, st, st)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
File "D:\Downloads\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\renpy\display\layout.py", line 722, in render
surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at):
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
File "D:\Downloads\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\renpy\display\transition.py", line 361, in render
top = render(self.new_widget, width, height, st, at)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at):
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
File "D:\Downloads\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\renpy\display\layout.py", line 722, in render
surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at):
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
File "D:\Downloads\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\MyNewFamily-0.18-pc\renpy\display\layout.py", line 722, in render
surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 166, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:4075)
cpdef render(d, object widtho, object heighto, double st, double at):
File "renpy/display/render.pyx", line 259, in renpy.display.render.render (gen\renpy.display.render.c:3520)
rv = d.render(widtho, heighto, st, at)
File "accelerator.pyx", line 107, in renpy.display.accelerator.transform_render
AttributeError: 'TransformState' object has no attribute 'size'
My new family 0.18
Mon Apr 12 03:03:54 2021
Pretty much what I got only diff is I am on windows 7 not 8.
Hope there is a simple fix.
Hit rollback a few times ( like I said in the announcement post )
Rolling back won't cause more issues? (And I'm on Windows 10)
No, it won't cause any issues, just rollback till you see a picture or ingame dialogue again, then you can just continue.
Thanks !
So I am trying to load my save from ch 17 but it wont work just keeps getting error messages. Any help would be nice my save is right at the end of ch17 where 18 should kick in.
Hit rollback a few times ( like I said in the announcement post )
I did and all it does is give a few more errors and then drops to the main menu, will give it another try.
Ok so I had to re-download ch18 again after that it let me rollback fine. Now off to finish the chapter. Thanks Killer
Yessss...0.18 release!!!
Which version are you playing?
If you want to play the 0.17 you have to load a save where MC propose to Sandra. If you try to load a save before mc propose to Sandra you just gonna get an error.
The reason why you cant create a new game cause the 0.17 only contain 10,11,and the 12th chapter
If you want to play from the beginning
Play the 0.14 first
Just agreed to whatever Sandra told you
i got xd thnks
I like parts of it still really early in game. Will say that I feel like for this type of story the pacing is off. People like/love you way way to fast. Now usually you can get away with this sort of thing with a more light type of novel. But there is a ton of drama early and often. So I feel like the pace Becca and MC set should have been closer to Sandra. Like it only takes a couple days and she is in love? Even Lucy seems to accept you really fast.
Of course there is a balance since this is an H game. So if you needed sex scenes earlier to fill the void I feel like should have done more with Fiona and added just a couple other girls. Speaking of Fiona, even accepting her deals it is strange cause you don't really feel like an employee you know? I am showing up to"Work" but where is the pay? Apologies if this is covered later still in chapter 2.
Not attacking the game. I actually like a lot of it and feel it has potential. Just the pacing is off for me. Having the real sad story line does not real fit well with harem stories. At least early on in them, that stuff usually fits in better later in the game once relationships are really developed and stuff.
Their relationship is unique
Go to Killer's Patreon and look for the posts that talk more about My New Family and about the man (Killer) himself (they were posted for everyone, no need to pledge). Then you'll understand why the game is like this, from start to nowdays.
Created this account just to comment in honor of 0.18, which is something I've been wanting to do since first downloading the game. I'm sure you get hundreds of comments in regards to how good the game is BUT I would still like to add my little slice. No game, no matter what is never 100% perfect but this stands beside some of the best VNs I've played, and I've played a lot this last year. The relationships are humble and emotional, the physical scenes are lewd and exciting and the story just warms your heart, which is something I think we've all needed lately. I am very much looking forward to 0.18 and excited to see just how far the story goes. You keep up the GREAT WORK and continue to share the story of this New Family!!!!
hey why do you refer to the mom character as land lady and why do your sisters call you roomate?
Censorship, you can get a mod patch to change those to the proper terms
How do I get that?
nvm figured it out thx for the help man!
How do you do it?
quick question. does it mess up the story if you say yes to wanting kids with more then one of them?
No, story works with that.
Not really, you'll just not see them pregnant. The girls even say more than once that it won't change anything in the relationship.
Hey Killer7 semi spoiler question. I havent finished .14 yet and i'll make this as non spoilerish as i can. (I put it farther down)
Is the stuff that goes on like the comments MC and other characters make just funny 4th wall and Ero Game jokes or is there actually a reason for it?
(MC=Main Character.) Contains Spoilers! Sorry, very long but hopefully interesting.
So, I have been playing this game (for a second time,) and I don't know, it's just all about sex, really, and nothing else. I was hoping for a lot more story, but all the MC wants to do is have sex with every girl he meets, and he does! Everything he does has a sexual connotation. Yes, he is a "sweet and kind" man, but basically also a selfish pervert! I played this again to get the Lucy route (as I missed it on my last playthrough,) because everyone says it's the best route, but I disagree. The MC uses too many stupid "cat" jokes and it is getting on my nerves a little, which is a shame. I hate bullying and this is what this is. And Lucy's character is basically the same as all the other girls, it's just taking the MC longer than usual to get her impregnated. But, I am glad I also had the Tanya route this time as well and Yvonne (which I never had last time either.) It was wrong the way the MC did what he did to Tanya, but she definitely deserved some punishment. To me, the best characters are Sun, Maddie and Fiona. In fact, if it wasn't for Maddie and Fiona I would of dumped this game ages ago. Sandra Is OK, but I wish she wasn't the MC's main love interest because she is so boring! I hoped it could of been Maddie who was the MC's main love interest. The other thing that has changed in this playthrough is a sexual relationship with mother, which, completely threw me and almost made me delete the game! It took me a quite a while to get that into my head. I still find it very weird and have to click the mouse fast to get past it when they have sex. I am not on Grandma yet, thank goodness! This second playthrough is much longer than my last play through (which was about 8 hours including al of version 017.) I am still on chapter 3 after about 15 hours on this second play through. I am kind of enjoying it, I just wish there was a lot more back story and not just the MC trying to have sex with as many women he can and that is it.
You should play the full thing before misjudging him
I have played the full thing. As I stated, this is second play through I only played it a second time because everyone said that Lucy is the best route, so I played i to get her route and I don't think it's a good route. It's Ok, but not as good as everyone says. I am now on the vacation part and getting close to Granny! And I am going to replay it to the end, but I am playing another VN at the moment. Thanks for the reply.
I don't know. I do find the MC a bit annoying, really. He definitely hides his feelings and self-security behind a wall of humor, especially when things get too serious or heartfelt. I mean, at first, it's fine. But after time in the story and healing from his past, it could show the MC maturing as a person instead of never changing at all. And I do agree a bit, the characters can be a bit one dimensional. They don't really change or evolve much and stay to their one scripted roll in the story. The biggest ones that do change some are Lucy and Tanya, mainly because their backstories were pretty heavy.
So wait let me get this straight. your okay with the MC banging his sisters, cousin and Aunt but your sickened by the mother? lmao
Yes, because they are only half sister, cousin etc, so not really related fully . But that is his real mum! That's what did it for me. And, I am totally fine with the others, but I was willing to put up with it because of the situation of the MC''s character not seeing any of them until now. And it is only a game and some of the other characters (like Maddie's' for example,) are fun characters to read. l. I also wished there were girl on girl action too. Like, Sandra on Maddie. Thanks for the reply.
We've tried explaining before, they're fully related. Sandra, Lucy, Alice, Rebecca, Mary, Elaine; all directly related by blood. You shouldn't be weirded out by one form of incest and not others.
OK. I still don't get it but am willing to accept it. I had always had it in my mind that unless you had both the same parents you weren't properly related. But, fair enough. Thank again for the reply..
I mentioned this before to you lol. Half-siblings are still very much related. Yeah, if, say a half-brother and half-sister have a child, there's less chance to have a child with deformities or issues, but there's still a higher chance. They still share half the DNA from one parent. Which makes them 100% related. It's not like step-siblings, where they are only related by marriage and have no blood relation.
So just imagine that your own father or your own mother had a child with another woman or man. Would you not consider them properly related to you just because the child doesn't have both the same father and mother as you?
You took the game completely wrong... either that or you just talking shit because you think it's fun. Play the whole fucking game, man and AFTER that you can make a full review on that, unless you're really doing the second thing I said. If so, then fuck you I think.
And explain a thing to me: if you don't like incest, why the fuck are you playing this game????? The focus of it is literally that.
Because, if you took your head out of your ass and read my further, I did not realise it was incest until it was explained to me.
"MC uses too many stupid "cat" jokes"
this is my only gripe - the same jokes over and over again, not just the cat jokes, but on all the paths with all the girls.. and by the end of the game it is becoming really annoying to have to read them, because i know exactly whats going to be said before the next screen comes up.
oh, and i cant stand maddie, its like she's been thrown in as "a strong independent woman who can do whatever a man can do", she's a Mary-Sue if i ever saw one. so goddamn unrealistic its sickening to watch. if the game wasnt so long-winded, id go back and cut her out of my life (i was cumming over her body deliberately for a reason, then she raped me to cum inside her), now shes sending fucking love letters that sound like a middle-school child wrote them (maybe lost in translation) - but this bit is not a game breaker like the repetitiveness is
Jesus Christ man, I can see that you really enjoy shitting on my game...I guess it's best if you move on, there are so many games out here that probably won't trigger you that much. Everything you complain about is actually well explained in the game, especially the middle school stuff MC and Maddie exchange in their love letters. But yeah...I read your other comments and I guess that's your main purpose here, shitting on my game ^^.
you are seriously that butthurt over some long-overdue feedback that you would block a paying customer?
and no, i have not been "shitting on your game", quite the bloody opposite, as demonstrated by my other comments which have overall DEFENDED your game, not "shitted on it"
as i said, i love the game, its concept is original and unique. but im an honest person, and im trying to help you here - otherwise yr gonna lose others as well as you repeat the same damn lines over and over again.. now be the typical leftist, and block me and delete my comments like the cowards that leftists are... and if thats the path you truely are taking, you know they will come for you too, cos leftism always eats its own. grow the fuck up and take some customer feedback like a real fucking man.
There is a big difference between honesty and just someone blatantly shitting on something just for the sake of it. Everything you said was not constructive at all, it was just blatant hatred for things YOU don't like. And that's cool. But why go out of your way to write three paragraphs of stuff that is not constructive at all? Just move on and play something else?
Hey killer7, just a question, on the opening game what was the name of the music?, its because I wanted to download the music
: D
I also wanted to know tht btw
There is actually a way of grabbing the game music from the game, but I don't think Killer7 would like me to explain how! Maybe you could look it up for yourself. I have all this game music as MP3's on my phone, just don't tell Killer7!
Which version trying to download
newest version I had already downloaded and completed the previous versions
Did you finish 14 save last ending before download new one if the android 10 below just delete old one add new one if android 11 he has different download I think I haven't seen link. Yet for it
yeah I finished 14 I have android 9 so what is it I need to do. I dont want to delete game and loose my progress.
You won't lose it long save it files of save carried over to new one only work 10 below the game won't let you download both for android that is
I'm seriously hyped to learn more things about them, specially Lucy and sandra
I'm asking because of Kiara. Are you/Is Killer7 german?
Yes :)
Cool ich liebe die Sprichwörter, das spiel bringt mich immer wieder zum Lachen. Danke! Machst du wirklich gut!
Playing on Android (or attempting too). I downloaded and installed 0.17 and got the whole "you need a save file from 0.14 to play dis" ok. Ive doenloaded and deleted 0.14 about 5 times now because it will not install. Nothing I do will let the game be installed and inwould rather like to play it. Suggestions?
This sounds like an issue on your phone. First, I would delete 0.17 if you still have that installed. Then you should download 0.14 and make sure you have at least 3GB of space available on your phone. Usually that should fix most issues. Sadly, a lot of phones struggle with the rather big filesize for 0.14...
I just Factory Reseted my phone, and I tried to play "new game" and it wont work, and all my replays were gone, what should I do??
You have to play 0.14 in order to start a new game!
Ohh, thank you so muchhh
i love the game 10/10 also i love the background piano music in game. is there a soundtrack to the game that i can acquire?
Where on earth does the MC keep his (and, I suppose Sandra's) clothes? I haven't seen any cupboards, wardrobes or drawers in his room...
There is a walk in closet in the hallway to mc's room :D.
I'm sorry if this is actually something obvious or if this has been answered already but I didn't find anything regarding this, so, can I somehow set the game's titles? By that I mean how the characters refer to each other because right now, it feels kind of awkward that they always call the main character their "big roommate". This is the kind of title I'd want to change, and no, I don't mind if that would be incest then. If I can, how? What am I supposed to do?
Patreon banned incest killer7 has patch for it just scroll down should be download patch on someone comment
Is it like a Progress Update, or is it something different entirely? Where should I look for it?
Patch is not made by Killer7 because that would be against patreon TOS. It's made by a Modder and hosted on a site for patches like this. Here is the link:
Thank you very much kind strangers :)
I didn't no I thought was
It's still kinda funny that family guy became household guy, it kinda sounds like a Spanish rip off of it
I love this game and I'm trying to re-download it but can't because itch.io links aren't working evry other site I've used worked, is there a different way I could download this.
Edit: I figured it out I just have to say after what I think is one year playing this game it's still baffling how good it Is
what ever version you are trying to downLoad if you can not get it from Itch.io go to Killer 7 Patron page
thank you but I figured it out the wifi was just being shotty
So I play on android and halfway through my playthrough i lost the ability to save and interact with menu were you can save and load, skip and such so everytime i play i now have to rely on an auto save because don't wanna start again and lose all my progress, all those functions i mentioned are nowhere to be see just the games dialogue, so is their anyway to fix this? i've tried plenty to undo hide if that was what it is but to no avail. if not its fine i guess...
Hm, this sounds like a weird issue...
If you are on Android 10 or lower, I would try a uninstall of the app and see if that fixes it. I never heard of that one before...
Weird question...
During the feast, there is a dish on the table that looks like a cake wrapped in bacon...with a duck on top...Is that something created just for the game or is that a real life dish(if it is a real food, what is its name)?
I always wondered what that cake is, it looks interesting
Probably just a model used for the game, not an actual dish. The developer probably has a lack of food models to use in the game (like many of the other VNs), so they use what they have available (or find funny). Like the running gag in this game with pancakes. There's literally no one alive who could eat pancakes literally everyday for multiple meals and be fine or not grow tired of it after a while lol.
Same goes with the steak and potatoes for breakfast they had one time. Just used what was available instead of finding/making a bacon and eggs model to use.
I can't run 0.17 ....
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 452, in __call__
Exception: Couldn't find a place to stop rolling back. Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?
Are you trying to load a savegame that was not made at the end of 0.14? This is usually the error you get in this case. If hitting "rollback" doesn't fix it, then I would try donwloading 0.14 and try saving when the game tells you to save again. Use this savegame then to play 0.17.
For some reason my computer didn't unzip it correctly. I deleted it and unzipped it again, then it worked fine, the folder even looked different after that ... first install showed blank files on the folder icon, second time it was showing an image, so I knew something was different, it's been working fine now.
But yeah, I also get the error when I try to load a previous save that's too far back into 0.14.
And also, OMG ... the scene with all three redheads in 0.17, holy shit ....... thank you for that. I cannot wait to see more -
next time focus on there butt ,
it is weird to see big boos with small butt
Not every butt looks the same, some girls have big badonkers but small back doors
What happened to the Gallery? 0.17 has gotten rid of most of the unlockable scenes for the women. In 0.14 Becca has 10 unlockable scenes in the gallery, but only 2 in 0.17. Dianna has been completely removed from 0.17's Gallery.
if you want the gallery for 0.1-0.14 than you will have to DL 0.14 it will have the gallery for chapters 1-9. the new updates starting with 0.15 and going to current is like a new season and will have gallery for current chapters
I don't know if you're ever willing to go back and edit completed versions. If you ever are, I'd highly recommend considering an option to rush up to and hug Alice as soon as she says Martin is her father/landlord.
I completely love what you've done with almost the entire story line. However in that one scene being forced to simply stand there feels completely wrong to me. I understand that change would require changes to other scenes later as well, but I think it would offer a much more fulfilling story option.
Honestly, it was right for the script. Kind of wrong, yes, but it set the pace for the MC about getting closer to Alice. It makes the scene at the hotel and the one at the house later on a lot easier to set the overall progress of their relationship.
And btw Alice would just freak out if the MC straight up hugged her, even with the whole "you're my brother" thing. Respecting someone else's space is important.
I keep getting an error has occurred and a giant line of code on 0.17. Am i doing something wrong when installing it?? Hoping I don't gotta lose my progress to fix it.
Can you post the error? I might be able to help out :). And don't worry, if you lose your progress there is a savegame on my discord I can upload here as well.
I don't know if I installed it wrongly or did somethong wrong.
What happens if you hit rollback a few times?
It put me back into the game but when I continued it said it was the end of 17.0. I rolled back more and the error reappeared.
If you hit ignore it usually works
The Game is Great Seriously, Sure their are grammar errors or spelling here and their but I find that funny in some ways also the touching feels backstory time sometimes seems irrelevant to the situation at hand since its brought up alot and seems to be their for exposition but honestly i ain't complaining cause once again i find it hilarious and I get to mock it (not in a bad way mind you) just the fact they bring the character circumstance alot y'know i treat it like those spanish drama which are overly dramatic i've only ever seen in sitcoms and the like, all the characters are the best i see some saying this is best and giving criticism but i can't fault any because they all become beloved the more you play, the banter and wittyiness of them all I absolutely adore, some really emotional moments i really like and have a tear in my eye, the scenes are godly and y'know about that... people down below are talking about the scenes, sex and incest and the Intricacies , i don't think these people regular certain sites and such (idk maybe) but all that becomes commonplace when you've play alot of these types of games and they seem like normies who maybe stumble here (just my opinion don't be offended)(i could be wrong) honestly I love this game and all the characters they all have a place in my heart now and brought me joy and happiness seriously keep up the good work and don't change whatever your doing cause its perfect.
Jesus, you're borderline ultra passive-agressive
Am I? How? I love the game and characters, all of it brought me joy, I didn't bad-mouth anything and even gave reasons as to why somethings were still fun even though a problem yet at the same time they weren't a problem because of the fun, contradicting i know... and also just gave an opinion on some comments down below mine and what i thought is that ultra passive-agressive
I pick the top option every time but still get the message saying I will miss events due to not being nice. what gives?
Then you didn't pick the top option every time. You pick top for every choice except during Maddie's 2nd test.