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Is Bethany supposed to be loosely modeled after Sigourney Weaver?  Because every time I see her, I think she looks a lot like Sigourney Weaver. XD

hello everyone and hello K7 I thought the new update for my new memories was awesome Can I ask you K7 what is your plans for Jessica and Mike as for Jessica I hope that you do not make her do anything. Silly as for Mike, I would suggest a patron only poll and a discord Poll the poll for both discord and those who support you on patron would be do players of your game My new memories does Mike survive yes or no 


Bravo K7, bravo.  Chapter 3 was amazing and I loved all the MNF references too.  Downside is the long long wait for chapter 4

What's the difference between Android and new android?

Newer android versions require a different save method due to Google screwing with the permissions

yeah I guess my Droid is 2 old... 😆 🤣 

Things keep going like that in chapter 3 but i will behave and let you work out what/why for now.

(1 edit) (-1)

Continuity and constancy are a problem for you is it due to multi projects ?For example in late chapter 2 "Wait ...Who is Caroline"(yes i fixed Who's).Then a bit later the MC with amnesia knows not only who that is but adds stuff ?


Ay just wondering when we're gonna be going to be getting some Morgan content


Yup, this update did not disappoint. Great work, you're talented. Depth of characters, great design, good stories...

And Lina...

I mean i kindda guessed she'd be tantalizing, but damn...
I'm partial to gingers, i guess i'm not the only one around here, but this one...

Lina is a whole new breed of ginger.  We have no natural defenses against her. >_<

Because you have against the likes of Lucy? Man, you're tough.
I'd say Lina's way more sexy/mature in terms of character design but the storytelling with her insecurities and all bolsters her cuteness so she wins on both sides... It's not a matter of natural defenses it's a matter of OP character -_- <3<3<3<3
She's an upgraded version of the ginger queen before said queen turned bi and started frolicking with women. And one of the main reason i have any defense against the previous model is that tendency to play with others.
There's also better graphisms in MNM than in MNF.
I mean she's even playfull and successfull enought for the people who like strong independant women to not dislike her.
Sure if GILF is your thing you won't be attracted, but other than that? - but then there is her grandmother, also a pretty ginger -
Did i mention i was partial?

(1 edit) (+1)

Incredible update Killer7!! Keep up the great work! Best update so far!


Im replaying the last chapter to gear up for the next release and i noticed something i hadn't before

is the designer of Martin and Jeff's new house Rebecca from my new family. Just realized the Easteregg  and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

chefs kiss. 10/10. Would recommend.

hello everyone, does anybody know if anything has happened to K7 ? Just a question

Nothing, just slow production. Weekly updates can be found at: My New Family.

i asked that question because K7 did not post anything since 20/02/2023 here

He's very active on his Discord server, both games lot's of content.

(1 edit) (+5)

I post weekly progress updates on my other game page to not flood the emails of followers! For some reason, last weeks didn't get posted though, so sorry about that!

since it has the harem tag , will the pregnancy tag be added ?

no point in having a harem if you cant go for the babies : )


i second that


i third that



(1 edit)

mmmm, delicious! great work! hope to see "all options explored" if ya know what i mean ;). great story


While i do like both harems and pregnancies i fail to see the causality link between the two, or the logic behind the reasonning.


the causality logic of a harem is to have many women bearing you MANY children so that your legacy ( DNA ) is passed on for generations to generations to generations and so forth to last the centuries so at the end of it all , in essence , you survived till the end of time


That is quite limitative as to what an individual is. Both toward yourself if you see yourself as just a coded suite of amino acides, and toward the children you may have, seeing them as a the mere continuation of said genetics.

I do understand the underlying "primal breeder" logic of your statements. The pokemon like logic "gotta catch them all". Yet i fail to see how harems and pregnancy are linked in a factual manner. You say the ultimate goal of a harem is to have many kids and leave a mark in the human gene pool. Most would say the finality of a harem is actually pleasure, the ability to enjoy plenty a different woman.

You somehow satisfied my curiosity. You like breeding, and you want to do as many as possible. Logic flows in that way. The other way around not so much. Following that logic pregnancy tag should result in harem tag. But that's the opposite of what we were talking about. Sure harem opens the door to multiple impregnations at once and i do see the appeal, but still not the causality. But let's no linger off topic. ^^

Cool game btw, probably said so ages ago, but still... Downloading the last version curently, hope it's as good as previously - i don't see why not.

Fantastic!! Purchased this on steam a while back and just recently here. This is a fantastic story, the characters feel fully fleshed out and the interactions are both serious and relaxed. Very well done and I'm looking forward eagerly to chapter 3 and beyond.


Amazing. I am glad I was able to finally pay so I could have an updated version and have access to updates. I love the story and that you included a transgender option is amazing.  Thanks :)

(2 edits)

I loved 0.3 I last played it when 0.2 was out, but I sure wish you could update it for the Steam Version so that it supports 64bit Only Mac OSes like the version does so I could buy it on Steam for my Mac with Big Sur. 

Now I can't wait til chapter 3 comes out, to have the talks with Lina and Bethany those will be so weird, oh and I can't wait to get close with Jessica I really want to watch her doing some yoga with Lena or join them at the gym.

Hm, it doesn't work on 64 bit mac? I'll take a closer look. Steam version actually uses a newer version of renpy.


Love the update though I hope  that there isn't a truck load of side girls thrown in. I'd prefer more content with the " Family" ladies. Specifically those 11 pictured above. That's already quite a few women. Maybe Sabine, but that's just me.

Love the Game I played an earlier version on steam, But Imma Just throw it out there cuz nobody wants to ask, Is there going to be anything with the little sisters? (Not on steam obviously) I'll play the game regardless as its a great game with an interesting premise as it's rare when I get invested into a game like this, But I (and I'm sure others with more subtlety than I) are still curious.

I like this one even better than MNF, only thing I noticed is everyone seems to forget Anna and Lena are half Japanese. The only thing they talk about is the half German part and Yukiko seems to be the only one who takes in interest in her Japanese heritage even though Sophie, Morgan, and Olivia have as much Japanese blood as Yukiko. 


Hi Killer!

Played this game on Steam.

And all I can say - it's awesome.

I like the way you develop each character. 

This game is definetely in my top 5 list.

But, tbh, after playing MNF (which is also great) I'd like to see some more fetishes, not only general sex, especially when there are so much female characters (well the game is more about the story than sex, but still...). 

I guess the best way to describe what I mean is to mention other games (I think you check them to find some interesting things you can also use, like authors read blogs to find the best approaches etc). So these games, from my perspective,  are Fetish Locator and Sisterly Lust. I liked how they implemented fetishes (avoidable), and hope you can do someting like that.

Nevertheless it's only your decision to add them or not. And as I already said your game is fantastic and I won't rate it lower if you decide to not implement it.


Hey Killer, 
I just bought your game.
I know it's going to be cool - played the free version a long time ago.

Honnestly i'd rather have secured my access/rights to MNF cause i love that one. But it's not on sales, never has been and maybe never will be. On the other hand i won't complain about the fact you decided to keep it free lol.

You're one of a few i'd subscribe to on Patreon if i had regular incomes. Turns out i can't, but given the amount of time i spent on your games overall buying one of them is the least i can do.

Plus, once again, a talent like yours should not be wasted on a nine to five. Keep up the good work.

Any word on update progress? I know you just released one not long ago, but will it be a long time before the next one too?

The progress updates are usually released weekly on the page for My New Family since the status updates Killer7 puts out covers both games. 

What's your page? I can't find it



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Wait, you're charging for this now?  I played the 1st version for free.  And with what appears to be a once per year update seeing as on your patreon you focus mainly on MNF, (which I honestly enjoyed playing last time I tried it.)  I would say charging more than some other devs on this site do for less content and even less active update?  Hard pass..    It's a shame, because I did enjoy this game when I played it, but paying/donating for an unfinished product that barely receives work is a lot to ask.

If I may suggest, either putting this project on hold entirely until you can focus more attention on updating it, or remove the 8 dollar price tag for something that so far has only been updated twice  in more than a year


On the other hand MNF is free and i think such a game could easily sale for 15 bucks. I mean i saw some less appealing games on sale for more... -Now do people actually buy them is an entirely different question.-

Paying for a game or the other doesn't really make much of a difference right? At the end of the day it's just paying Killer7 for his creations so he can focus on that instead of flipping burgers or do accounting. -heck if i know what he does/did.-


Super creeped out by how young some of the characters look, at least in the thumbnails. Skipping over this one because of that.  Lots of great reviews below so sounds like I'm missing out on a great story. Just wanted to share constructive criticism.  Good luck to you!

Deleted 2 years ago

If Killer7 decides to do as they did with MNF, you are allowed to not date every girl, and only follow the once u do like. So even if u dont want to date the loli characters, you can still enjoy the game. 

Just wanted to let u know about it :D

thanks for that :)

Just curious. How long is this game right now? Should I wait to buy it?

In all honesty, I kinda wish I had waited to buy it. There are only 2 chapters right now and it's shaping up to look like 1 chapter per year. Since we just got chapter 2 less than a month ago, I wouldn't expect another update until mid next year.

I take my time with these. I like to read everything carefully and look over the artwork to get the full picture of what's being said, thought, or felt by the characters. That said, I've been working on this for two nights so far (roughly 5pm-11pm) and I just now reached Ch1. So after two nights I still have chapter 1 and chapter 2 to get through. I hope that answers your question. Again though, I do take my time. I'm not someone who tries to get through the content as fast as possible.

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I wasn't sure about the premise at first, but I quickly fell in love with the entire family and have enjoyed the process of recovering the MC's memories.

The moments with the daughters in particular are absurdly heartwarming and sweet. The mom and sisters are also delightful characters, even Jessica. I can't wait to learn more about each of them and see how their stories turn out as they reconnect with the MC and each other.

I was surprised with how endearing Anna is, especially since it seems like a character such as her could quite easily be poorly written / uninteresting, but no, she's absolutely lovely and the writing does a good job at selling just how much everyone misses her. There's an Anna-sized hole in this family, and I'm looking forward to when she finally wakes up and fills it.

It almost makes me regret what kind of game this is lol, but I know Killer7 will make a happy story in addition to the lewd, so I'm not too worried. The existing pervy content is pretty good, and it's nice that the amnesia plot device lets you accelerate the intimacy with characters like Sabrina while still allowing a slower burn with others.

All-in-all, I'm hooked and am looking forward to the rest of the story! Really hoping the next chapter comes quicker than the last.

Hey man, I used to play your free version, Just a question are you going to make this free after some time or will it stay like this?

It is actually free on k7s discord :D

I'm in the discord, where's the link?

if you scroll down in the channels you will see #game-downloads


I've only just begun playing this tonight.  But I do have experience with your other game as well.  So I feel that I can say this with great confidence.  You have a wonderful talent for story telling.  Even though I am not far into this particular visual novel yet.  You've already sunk your claws into me.  I guess that I simply wanted to say, well done.  I look forward to seeing how this plays out. 

one of the top 3 novels in my  book, keep up the amazing work and look forward to your future endeavors.  both of your story lines are great and you have an awesome talent for across the spectrum emotions. well written.  you had me in tears a few times both with the comedy and the serious story.  Well Done!!

So if I buy the game here would I need to pay again when a new update comes out or will I have access to all future updates?


Nope, all future updates ( and other extra stuff ) will be included if you buy it once.

Ok thank you very much I just wanted to be sure going in that this was the case.

Deleted post

K7  I loved it can't wait for chapter3 I know 2 was just released but man justt awesome.


Hooray hooray its chapter 2!! A bit confusing that it's v0.3 but that's the prologue for you!

I've been looking forward to this for ages. Released just 15 minutes ago, I'm going to finish my pizza first.

I'm impressed by youre self restraint. I'dve thrown my Pizza like a Floppy Frisby and say "Pior Obligations be damned!!!"

I see the last update for this was late 2021, Is this game still being worked on?

(1 edit)

Yup, he makes a progress report every week. U should be able to find them in the dev log of MNF.

Chapter II release is this month!


Update just appeared, enjoy.


Its normal to hate his entire family? except for the daughters obviously..

I don't think so. I mean, I get why SOME of them would draw your ire, and I feel a fair bit of that myself; that said, I honestly 100% always loved the twin. She just "clicked" for me like the other chars didn't, pretty much immediately. I think I like the MC less than I like the twin, honestly. 

I can feel you. The whole game is put so you have to endure being thrown shit at.


I finaly bayet this play. I feel free. Thanks to you to doo tis work, i hope by that litle mony i giwe to you will help you. Pleees don stop, ewer.

Are you sure that you are 18

They might not be from any english speaking country, although even if they are, dyslexic people also exist..

Oh i got you i fell bad now :/

Counter point to me so you don't feel as bad: Dyslexic people probably wouldn't be on a vn page...


those of us with dyslexia still enjoy stories and porn lol just takes more work to try and write replies

This is one of my favorite's, but I haven't played since Sept '21 and I was bummed to come back and see it had a price tag for 0.2, but I'll definitely get it when I can. Mainly bummed I can't play right now. 

Keep up the good work, Killer7.

Actually, there is a free download on Killer7's discord if you are still interested.

Whats the discord link

Sorry about the late reply, here it is if you haven't seen it already:


The time is not relevant. Just the storyes is. Please, dont stop tell as thous storyes. Sory my, bad english.


games dead cant you tell updated last year and nothing new since then


are you not reading the weekly updates. Games take time to make fyi its not like they can do it weekly even if its just something like this, storyboarding takes time and it sounds like it will be soon ish.


did you not read that last update the game got was last year here ill help you out find the more information tab on your screen and click it you welcome game is dead


game is not dead wat gptin said is true 7 is still working on mnm


He gives a weekly update in his other game about both games and he says before the discord link that he does it so people dont get spamed with him posting the same update. Both of his stories are awesome i think and i very much enjoy them and cant wait till the next part comes out. Yes its been a while for here but i think when u are trying to do 2 good games at the same time it's very hard. These are one of the few I can replay and not get bored and skip threw them for other parts and both I feel like I'm there and touch my heart cause they draw me into them.


he can say he works on it all he wants until i actually see a update the game is dead  like for real 1 year and no update check the more information tab it says when the game got its lat update and it wasnt last week it was a year ago


You are the best. Please continue.

Hey are you going to continue this? I don't want to spend money on something that is not going to be completed? I played your first game My New Family, was going to get this until I saw the 2021 tag.


Yes, this game is in continuous development, the next Chapter will be released sooner than later.


All the dev logs are posted on My New Family as they are joint dev logs. But it has the side effect of making My New Memories look abandoned between chapters.


lol it is updated last year and nothing new since then if that doesnt scream abandoned idk what does

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