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So I am again amazed by your VN's, I am only going to say one thing right now, not to spoil anything but (an I hope you know what I mean) if this ends how I feel its going to, and ive already teared up some, im not crying you're crying, then its going to suck but I hope there is a reason for it.  A simple yes or no if im right on how this is going would be nice, if you want to keep it a surprise thats cool also, just such a roller-coaster ride of emotions right now lol.....Again you have hit a homerun with this one.


Anna will not die, if that is what you wanted to know.

Yep that was it, thank you.

Good to know, I don't need depression. :P

Thank you.

Didnt think that was how you would approach it, but all the same, nice to know.

As much as I loved the majority of City of Angels and respect the writers artistic vision etc, for me that ending sucked, makes it so hard to rewatch. Really glad thats not happening here.

is your name a play on Lucifer Morningstar?

Is your name a play on "Lucifer Morningstar"?

Yes it is

ok lol.  Do you watch The Flash?

I did for the first few seasons 


Well done Killer7. Another start to a masterpiece. I liked the little Easter egg about Lucy from MNF, it made me chuckle. Keep it up, I know I'm going to be addicted to this like I am to MNF.


Been looking forward to this. One bug, when you and Sam are at the bar, the options to let her spend the night or take a taxi say Samantha, and not her name if it was changed.

(1 edit) (+4)

Ha ha! The newspaper is called The Pelican! Nice.

And that thing with Yukiko? Called it!


Killer7.....I'm a huge fan of My New Family so I was naturally excited to see how My New Memories began and I am almost ashamed to admit a little bit nervous if I would like it......

Well, those worries have vanished like the mist at dawn.

Dude, I just got to say you are an exceptional story teller. I've not even finished Chapter 1 yet but I am already desperate to see the next installment (even though I have no idea how Chapter 1 finishes first!). You can just tell from how it all begins that each character is going to be so much fun to discover who they are, what they are like, what is inside their heads.

Thank you. Genuinely thank you. I know from your comments on Patreon that you have been doubting if everyone will like My New Memories or not. Please don't doubt yourself, I genuinely wish I had the creativity and drive you do and I know you strive everyday to provide the best story world you can for us all. 

Thank you again Killer7, I'll be subscribing on Patreon when I get paid and I'm off to download MNM from Steam as well, I'm extremely interested as to what the extra content is.

(1 edit)

IMPORTANT FEEDBACK, i have noticed a ERROR almost at the very start of the V.N. when the MC gets the photo out the draw and he states there are 6 people in the photo BUT its clear there are 7 people shown but what makes it even come confusing the doctor says you MOM is in the middle  but there are 2 older ladies !!! but it would be easy to say that you mom if the one in the  " red dress" or the " white flower dress "

The doctor is holding off the identity of one woman, so I think it makes sense. Something that the MC won't like later on and will comment on as well.


the writing for this is awesome and the way you have wrote the charters the feel like actual people in a way  i am really impressed so keep up the good work

I'm planning to get it on steam to support you but I was wondering if there will be any difference between (so far free) and steam version (I like to have drm-free backup :P).

The steam version will get some extra stuff, yes :).

Pizza time.

is the game story good? What due you guys think?

(1 edit)

You can find out yourself on friday. Not many people played it yet since it is currently still only available for my patrons.


I suddenly got worried about these "moments of a more precarious nature", I don't remember seeing anything of the sort in the alpha (gonna play it again). Please tell me that the MC isn't a cheating bastard... 


Nope, he is not a cheating bastard.

is it gonna be longer than the alpha version??

i think it have a full week when it releases i believe i coud be wrong

It will have 6 days per update, I think.


It's going to be six times longer than the alpha :).


I have two questions. When this is released  on June 11 will it be the completed game or an early access version that will receive regular updates but is incomplete ? Also what will the price be ?


It will be free and it will be an early access game like My New Family where you get Constant updates.

Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh Boy !!!

Soooooo can I play it?


Friday :)


Killer7 is an amazing story writer and world builder, so i am so looking forward to this. My New family is a masterpiece, so really high expectations for this game.  


My morality is already non existent, so im gonna enjoy this

Really looking forward to this.


Looking forward to what you have teased for months LOL😦😧😲😄

Dope. Looking forward.

Can't wait!

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