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I have a problem with the too. "Unexpected end of file"


when I try to download the epilogue it keeps saying app not installed does anyone know what I have to do to play on Android 


After i play .14 version and try to download the new version it wont let me saying there is a conflict


Did you save last ending 0.14?


yeah I saved it at the end, was just strange as long as I had .14 downloaded it wouldn't Iet me download the new version 

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Well should work if you did save if you playing android backup save file Epilogue to work 


Im having the same issue. "App not installed because it conflicts with an existing package"


Hi has anyone else having problem downloading the new updated version of this? If so can you please tell me what I did wrong to fix it

Kind regards titans66


Is there a way of doing monogamous path without Sandra?


No sandra main plot of story so you can't get relationship with other without sandra unless killer7 different path without  sandra


Also, as far as I know, without Sandra there would be no game. The whole thing revolves around Sandra as the base.

Dam, well ty for the answer


Something tells me I fkd up somewhere. I ended MNF at the group sleep in 0.23 6mo. ago. When I updated from the prompt in my library today, it shows up as the Epilogue by name, but when I Launch it, it's still 0.23.

It still ends at the group sleep, then goes through the 'Thanks' set of dialogues, then goes back to Menu instead of continuing to the Epilogue.

When I try to download the "Epilogue-pc" from the link above, the only version choice that shows in the drop-down on the install screen is 0.14.

Is there another way to get the epilogue, or am I stuck as-is?

*All this I did through the App*

What's the difference of both epilogue apks? 


Both android APKs don't work for my Samsung A13 and takes up too much space on my phone, please correct this or contact me at

Minor bug report: You left in a "Beta ends here" line about halfway through the update.

hey killer can you drop the link for the lewd patch i cant find it please


that did nothing but thanks 

I'm confused with the name of the game. It's called My New Family but all the dialogue in the game is like my household and tenets and roommates. Why doesn't it say mom or sister, or even child? Always says when I was a tenet instead of when I was a child. And there is no option to change it. Do I have to buy it from patreon?


There is a incest patch for it.  Lewd Patcher - Uncensored patches for Patreon & Steam adult games. It is like this because he wants to stay on Patreon which doesn't allow incest, instead of switching to Subscribestar which does




Thank you very much about your comment. After reading the explanations provided with the patcher I understand the game a lot better.  For me up to now a tenant was someone to lease a room or an apartement from a landlord oder a landlady. Not that it spoils the game but the original version adds some spice. 


FYI - i at least cannot run the .apk; I get a message that the package is invalid.

Hi im trying to make a copy of my save file to install the update to version 14 on android but dont seem to have a game folder as it states on your description to do the update


I can't load the save for the epilogue, I follow the passage, and when I try to load the save, there a error screen. I click a few times the botton rollback, but every time the game crash, what can i do???

wish you could choose the relationship instead of landlady


Lewd patch it sir

I'll have to find that thanks

I can't download the epilog

how do you play this game? Sorry I'm new I downloaded the links and soooo lol

NOW WHAT? Help?)

you need to start  with downloading chapter 1-14 to start a new game

How much content would you say is in the current update? I've never played before, but is there at least 2 or 3 hours worth of content to go through?


Three hours?  More like thirty 


how do i remove roommates and other stuff 


Use the following patch:


Tried using it for the android, followed the instructions and  it didn't work 

Deleted 326 days ago

Trying to download for Android and it keeps saying forbidden.... anyone know how to fix it?

Deleted 292 days ago

Got it. I had to disconnect from the WiFi


I don´t know what happend, help please

Rollback or just ignore


This game makes me thank the world every day for being alive. 

Good lord, this is a masterpiece!!!!!!!!!

I agree with you.

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I don't see the Code option in my new game. How can I enable realstory? I'm on a Windows computer.

I've been waiting a looooonnnnnggggggg time for the next release , when will it be ?

Just be patient just read update log until comes out but if serious want play it sigh up patreon play beta test 


Eagerly waiting for Chapter 24 ... a great game. I've already played 3 times with different decisions until the end of Chapter 23 and I'm curious how everything will continue... 

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I have Played this Game and it is great!!

You do not get sex right away you have to work to get it, But it is more Fulfilling & Fun that way.  BTW No it is not Wham, Bam, thank you mam type game.
Only bad thing is the Author/Creator of this VN/Game Is doing two or More, As such it takes a Month+ of time to get an Update. But the time is well Spent. the Author Puts a Lot of Work into the VN/Game and from what i have Heard Loves doing his thing.
so If you Love the VN/Game drop him Some Cash if you think he's doing a good Job.
what is that add-adg "find a Job you love and You'll never work a Day in your Life" i think it go's

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Spoilers btw, 

NOTE: I love the game, but just have a bit of a rant so dont worry

Tldr: Elaine was right and characters shouldnt have antagonized her, 

I still find it weird how antagonized elaine is, though only a few are mad at her, but ngl she did more for wane than becca did. Ok the forced interaction with his dad was fucked up but she was going through her emotions overwhelmed with fear that Martin (Forgot MC's dad's name) would go near the family and hurt someone just cause he was looking for MC. Im just sayin Im team Elaine here, love becca, great mother and cook but Elaine helped MC more through life than becca

Edit: Sorry im gonna rant again. So MC said elaine shouldnt have tried to force him and Becca, Elain tried to force becca years ago and MC said Elaine should respect her decision to not take him back. Firstly Mc fuck you, at the start of the game you said you were in a deep hole (Deep rest as fuk), he said his only 3 options was first to go back to his landlord, umm no, second contact Becca, well we got the story so ok I guess, and 3rd JUMP OFF A BRIDGE. MC should think, if Elaine were a little bit late in putting his moms picture, he wouldve unalived or went back to martin, and Becca would still be screaming on bed but the difference is a dick isnt in her. Then he said that forcing him to contact Martin was bad, currently im talking with mary and she asked, "If martin did arrive and threathened if you dont go with him hell hurt someone in his family will you go back to him" mofo answered yes, Mary then asks "Even if (Queen) Fiona and (Chad) Elaine were there to solve it/help" he said "nah ima do my own thing" aight on both situations that Elaine tried to force, she undoubtedly was right. Good thing MC's canon event was to get a harem or else he either dies or gets reunited with Martin.

when my new family 0.24 come out

Great game played thru it so many times love the story and charac ters  wtg killer wtg awesome work 

i dont understand this there are missing scene for sandra 1 pg last scene and 2nd pg first scene 

maddie first scene missing aswell even tho i make every choices if tho the choice is limited

fiona 3 scene?


Sometimes the game starts to bug out because there are so many variables. I will add a failsafe in the final version which makes sure your already unlocked scenes stay unlocked.


cant wait for the next update just finish and boy i loved the story a lot of good tear jerkers aswell but what with some of the weird translation for brother sister mom grandma ect

what was the patch supposed to do it still ended the game

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its for the translation for the brother, sister ect for the game and learn how to read the patch before being an ass i was only trying to help 


sorry about that

I hope this doesn't sound lame or make me sound old but I love lucy she's my favorite character just because of how much time it took to make her feel after all the pain she went through I can relate to her.

I agree with you. I also like the romantic path of those games

I forget is it after chapter 9 that I need to hit 0.23 or no?


would it be to much trouble to ask for pubic hair on the girl's? it just feel's weird seeing every girl without pubic hair even if it's the older ladies.

Deleted post
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Did enjoy the first 10 chapters truely, but the options are just so bad and clicking no to something can ruin the hole storie line, like no to sandra game stops around chapter 7-9, it kinda feels like a game where there where supposed to be more meningfull options but got left out, once i got to chapter 11 my favorite char got pregnant and was looking forward to hear what the sisters and familie would say, but nothing ever happened, just a small one text with mc that she told the sisters behind MCs back, and at some point she said one of the sisters would talk to MC about it but again she never did just nothing like it never happened and it was the most importen thing ever for both the girl and MC and then just nothing...  feelsbadman.

I have no idee if it happens bc i said no to mom/grannys cant see why that would change anything for that girl but clearly something is worng, and its the second time something got messed up, i also never saw the scene where MC tells the mother about him and the sisters, and i know for a fact that was bc i said no to mom/grannys.

This game needs ALOT of fixing or remove all options and make it a kinetic novel since current options are a huge mess and destroys the storyline.

I would also love to get an option to pick the girl you want insted of being forced to pick sandra in the very start.


Really should take notes from eternum. It should all be together, instead of having to download and play an old version just to download and play the new version. It should all be one cohesive game so time isn't being wasted.


There are very real practical reasons why AVNs often do things like this, though.  Downloading a 6 GB file can take hours, depending on your connection speed.  If the first half of the game never changes, why waste those hours re-downloading it for every single version update?  (Also, although this particular AVN doesn't do so, a lot of AVNs use Mega, which arbitrarily makes you wait several hours if the download size exceeds four or five GB.)


wish they would give more options as well maybe like a no to multiple partners or a choice which girl you want 


i agree id love an update for that

I have to say this now it bother's me with how everything is like  a hotel I want to make a suggestion on getting to name them like mother, sister, brother, aunt, and other stuff. I've been a fan since it started but that's the one thing I wish to be able to change. If that's not to much trouble to ask thanks.


I think going back and changing everything like that would be a pain, but there is a patch you just gotta google it, download and follow the instructions on where to put it and it changes it. Also it done the way it was to get around certain countries laws.

But somehow this is the only game that doesnt use the actual words


is this an one girl kinda deal or an harem?


it is? I'm listening :O

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