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@Killer7 Are the and the steam versions updated at the same time or is there some delay for the steam version ? I want to buy the game to support your game but I would like to be sure beforehand.

Did you had any difficulties to update the game on Steam ? I know some developers have technical issues with that because the platform isn't always stable.

Thanks in advance for your answer :)

They will be updated at the same time. Sorry for the late reply.

No worries, we all get more busy at some times, and you work on 2 games aside from your daily life (okay after two months I would have started to worry ^^).
Thanks for the answer, I just bought the game here on itch in the end, prefer to avoid Steam if possible (DRM and all that). Keep up the good work ! :)

Ps. Please make Anna wakeup, at some point. Pleeeees.!!


Dam, it`s oynly 3D game, but it stil make me  smile. Why are you so magnifisensd writer, hawe you ewer thik about that, you are something i just cant put a wordrs. You are .......................You????!!!!. THANK YOU.!


I wish i could support you on patreon but im out of a job right now, i did buy my new memories on steam and i hop that helps you out at least a bit

1 question i do have is, is my new family going to need to be bought any time soon and if so are you planning on releasing it on steam

Hey, how are you doing? I downloaded this game for free back before there was a price tag on it. It says I have to buy it. Can you help? Have a wonderful day!! :)

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The reason for that is that he wanted to put it on steam. But steam requested that it can only be put on steam if the game is priced on every site the same (so also, or it wouldn't be allowed on steam.



If that's the case, then why are there also free games on Steam that can also be found Itchio without any charge? But hey, you're free to decide what to do as it is your own game. No biggie.

Because steam changes policy and doesnt enforce everyone sticking to the same thing. Its arbitrary and sometimes you get an asshole during submissions.


The update was really great,just played it recently and it was really good,cant wait for the next update though,great work k7!

I think it's a bit... weird... that the two adopted daughters photos aren't under the T.V.  I get why you couldn't have them there right away for plot reasons before the MC learned about them, but afterwards it seems... callous?   (Is there a possible path where you don't ever learn about them?)

Maybe a brief scene where Bethany puts them back saying Sarah asked her to remove them until she had a chance to introduce herself or something?

(Though I think you only see the scene of the photos maybe once after that? Though I noticed it shortly after Lina comes home, so it just sorta hit hard.)

(1 edit) (+4)

I like that idea actually. Thank you for that! You always learn about Sarah and Lina, but if you decided to not go and listen to Sarah's story then Anna will just mention it in a dream. Lina will still be there no matter what.

When can we expect a new update?

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All future updates are free if I own the game right?


Yes, all future updates will FOREVER be free, doesn't matter if its a new chapter or just other things. If you bought the game once, you will get everything for free forever :).

since i already own the game when it was free, do I need to buy it now to get the update?

Join the discord :).

thanks! and i love all your games!!!! CAn you make some sort of guide on how to make one like yours? i'd like to learn and tell my stories. Thanks for everything!

 I keep being blown away, and keep calling your latest release, the best ever. But, this release was definitely worth waiting for. And, the best ever.  


Heh - I like the sneaky nods to My New Family snuck into the update...

Deleted 2 years ago
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when will  the update   go to the public or it wi ll not 


Join the discord :)


I like this game just as well as predecessor. Good rich story line. The game as a hole flows very well. You make choices, then actions of those play out .  Killer 7, is making another real gem for use all.

is there a mod for this game, like for MNF?

Like a 'family' mod? This game isn't released through Patreon so there's no need for one.


Anyone else kinda creeped out by the therapist? If anyone else made this VN I'd probably say she was trying to mind control or force information out of MC but Killer7 wouldn't do that, Right? Right?........right?


Some of those questions she asked were very sus. The doctor also acted strange. Makes you wonder if it was the accident that caused the memory loss...or something else.

Not sure about that if I remember therapist gave him option to see her or not I don't think she force that


Unless ... unless that "option" was a subliminal trigger phrase ... in which case ... the best conditioning leaves the conditioned person convinced the choices they make are their own idea.

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Depends if you didn't took the therapist again alternative probably mc won't see his family I think not 100% sure about the path never took that path some choice lead bad one


Came for the...I don't remember actually. Maybe it's just another VN I looked once that find interest. But I gotta say, the game was quite good. Not as much sexual content as the rest but that's fine. The monologue that the protagonist has about his situation can distract you long enough. A bit of nitpicking when it comes to this story is the fact that the protagonist doesn't really try to get to know his parents. You would think if you have amnesia, you wanna know more about yourself and the people that raise you to be the person you are today. Maybe the developer wants to do that in the future but doesn't have the time for it rn, who knows? I know he has a short moment with Bethany at the hospital and that one time during breakfast, but it does feel strange how unbothered he is with his mother as if she is not an important role in his life compared to his daughters and sisters. That was just my nitpicking side, sorry, but the overall game was enjoyable, and can't wait to read more in the future.


That is something I will change with the first update. The MC will have some more interactions and longer events with Bethany, I actually just finished a very lengthy one where she will tell him more about his time at home etc :).


Alright cool. I know these games take a lot of time to create and render so I appreciate how much you're working on them. 


came for the porn... stayed for the memories.

When is this going to be updated?

i hope today. prob not tho :(


if you read update my new family he tell you progress both game.


I post progress updates every week here: , since I have 2 games I don't want to spam people :D.


Does this mean you have stopped updating My New Family? Or has that come to a conclusion anyway?  Thank you Killer7!


killer is switching back and forth so not to screw with quality and risk creative burn out.  More details on K's Patron it is worthwhile to toss in support ;)

hello everyone and hello K7 is there any beta my new memories on discord if so how do I get to download the Beta


This was good enough that I feel compelled to say something. 

I have to be honest, I'm in a weird place with MNF. I honestly almost quit  MNF in the first 30 minutes, but ended up getting hooked enough to play through the content that was available at that time(I want to say this was around spring this year). I don't like it. It's meandering, it doesn't feel like the story is going anywhere, a lot of otherwise interesting characters feel tacked on and totally extraneous - to their own detriment and the detriment of the story - and it feels less like a story than a collection of events described flatly. 

MNM indicates that you've grown tremendously as a writer, and you've really got your hands around this project. 

MNM hit me in the ballsack almost immediately and kept punching. The story was gripping, the choices felt a little more meaningful than they did in MNF(which I understand was by design), the characters felt more well-rounded and I felt like this story is actually going somewhere - AND that you actually know where that is. 

Without spoilers or trying to tell you how to write a story, I do think you're in danger here of doing the same thing with MNF - not keeping your eye on the ending, and not making difficult choices to move the story forward. Case in point, I honestly can't remember anything about the middle Daughter because we barely talk to her, and while the Cop subplot was excellent and tied to the greater narrative the Librarian felt extraneous - everything she said could have been narrated without any loss. As long as she's not "just one more fuckable side character" and doesn't generate a 2-hour subplot that doesn't go anywhere I don't think she's a BAD character, just a character who's (possibly, with what we currently know) unnecessary for the telling of the story. 

All this is to say that I still really love this project. I want this story to come to a heartfelt, gut-punch ending that makes me lose my fucking shit like RDR2, and I want all of the feels along the way. I have a lot of confidence that you can pull this off and if the next public update keeps this pace I'll definitely look at joining your Patreon. I wish you absolute success and happiness, and for your creation to bring you as much joy as it will doubtless bring others. Good luck, kick ass, take names and dig into it - we're rootin' for ya man. 


I wholeheartedly agree!

I like MNF but there are so many characters that it's hard to develop an attachment to any one character for me. It does tend to meander, but that doesn't bother me. Real life tends to meander too and I like the sensation that they're just going about their day forming these relationships.

MNM is already starting down that character overload path, for me. But the story seems more focused. I think it'll balance out better.


This is slowly becoming one of my favorite VNs(Besides My New Family) I'm instantly hooked on the storyline. Just please, PLEASE, dont destroy my soul and kill "her" off.

Otherwise its awesome and I can't wait for more.

Concept is straight up fire in the name of Harman I wish you success 


I'm really not good at commenting on things so I'll keep it short. You have a gift for storytelling. I've played both of yours and you have managed to make me care about the characters. Keep up the great work.


hello everyone and hello K7 I do agree with Some comments about the games that both are quite good Games my suggestion to you K7 is since you have made two updates for my new family maybe you should consider making two updates for my new memories and then work on one of your games at a time so you are not working too hard going back and forth between two games would you consider about putting up some teaser screenshots for both games just a suggestion


I agree with you. I would hate for My New Family to just stop being made without a conclusion, just because he is working on My New Memories. 

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Honestly man, this is actually one of the best VNs I've played on itch, and if this first release is something to go off of, I have high hopes the rest of it will be absolutely brilliant. Keep up the good work dude!

hello everyone and hello K7 Have you decided if you are going to allow players who have my new memories on Steam are you going to allow them to play beta For my new memories ?


I finally had a little time to play this... Played it in one session, just couldn't stop myself! Another great story developing there, and the feels are almost as deep as MNF!
There's only one thing that is giving me a bit of an uncomfortable feeling around the story direction, but I prolly shouldn't post that in here to not spoil anything! ;)


my suggestion for you K7 is that you  work on one game at a time what I mean is work on MNM finish That update and then work on MNF instead of trying to work on both games at the same time

That is going to be the plan most likely :D


When is the next update, please tell us. Love your game so much


Honestly one of the best NSWF VNs in Development right now. Keep it up! 


Ok so I am gonna be very blunt here, you have seriously nailed a Perfect Perfect Story here.  Yes there are a few Grammar errors but honestly not that bad.  An there's not really a lot of sex scene's but the story alone is just Great even without them.  This is a True Master Piece and if this is the type of work you do.  Hell I'd pay $25 or $50 a month for this.  You have really outdone yourself.  Keep up the work and I can't wait to see how it progresses.


This was so good! I cant wait for the nest release

Hey,when the next update available for public?Can't wait to see it.


Wow it was pretty long for a first release that was pretty awesome.. I hope the next updates will be just as long


That is the plan :)


Congratulations to you killer7 for reaching 10,000 from your patrons as I said before these are both very very great games keep up the great work maybe you could hire three people to work on my New family and three people to work on my new memories just a suggestion

being i own this vn on steam, will you give us beta access there please like most devs do? thanks


I haven't fully deicded on that one yet but I will probably give you guys beta access there like I do with Sarah patrons, so after the Sabrina and higher tiers get the second beta you will get the first one on steam :).

(2 edits)

thank you, i really appreciate it!

I am just curious about MNF, do you do release simultaneously on both your Patreon and here? for example, when its ready to go live you post it both on patreon and on here at the same time. forgive my ignorance.  I would also be more than happy to pay for MNF on steam if you ever take it there. You have done a huge amount of work on it so far, and more than happy to pay for it on steam!  I am not a fan of Patreon due to their childish draconian measures and censorship.

I post public updates on patreon and here for My New Family, sadly I can't put the game on steam because of licensing issues ( I use something called Honey Select to make the renders for MNF, which is a game made by Illusion ).

thanks for your quick response. I think that the guys who make SL also use Honey select, at least that is what I am sure the dev said, would it be impossible to get the licensing, or would it be too cost preventative?

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hello everyone and hello killer7 as for your question who would I pick between the main characters twin sister and and Anna”s sister I would personally probably pick Sabrina are you planning on bringing the lewd to any of the other characters as well also I do agree with what somebody posted about patron although those  words I probably would not use to describe how I think about patron and I would definitely support if you brought any beta to steam for my new memories

You can pick both actually, Sabrina and Lena, you don't have to decide :).

ok but still a Choice would be not a bad idea, Also are any of the other character”s getting any lewder as well ?

Of course there will be a choice but there are no bad consequences if you go for both, you will only miss out on content if you don't go for one of them :D and maybe, will see how this unfolds in the story.


When is chapter2?


You mean Chapter 1. Will have a better estimate once the first beta is out :).

There is no ETA yet on the next update for my new memories if you want to play a beta you have to support the developer of this game on patron

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Im just getting to the game and i was wondering is this game entirely wholesome except some of the memories?


It has some "darker" elements but overall it's still very wholesome I would say. It has 100% no bad endings and will always leave you with a good feeling, though.


Hello everyone since both games are made by the same developer I would put in my new memories The  lewd Part from my new family and put it in my new memories first off I would start my new memories with  the Mc trying to fix his relationship with his second sister plus the author needs to be very careful when putting this on Patron because those in charge of patron don’t like the words lewd together with sister or daughter PS since The author is writing the script and making scenes for these scrips I would probably suggest writing half the script and then rendering half the scenes and then writing the rest of the script and then rendering the rest of the scenes that is just a suggestion for the author to think about


The game is not available on patreon.

hello everyone and hello killer7 are you going to allow the player to try and fix the MC”s  relationship with Jessica  maybe the main character should take one of his daughters to the main characters other house to clean it and make preparations for the rest of his family to move there because we are now right now is warmer because summer is approaching PS is Sophie the only one not getting Lewd if so that is a little disappointing

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