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When are you planning on releasing an update for My New Memories?

(1 edit) (+3)

read update my new family he tells everyone progress on both game.


i loved the easter egg from my new family 


I created an account just so I could comment here. I played and followed My New Family since like chapter 5. I thought that game was amazing but this is on another level. Can't wait for more of this game as it is easily my favorite visual novel.


Hello there, I wanted to know if I delete the apk now and then download it again when the new updates come, do I have to play over again of it will save my game even if I delete the apk now?

You should probably get the save files before deleting the apk.

Alright I got save files, Thanks!

WIll you be adding a gallery at some point?  Seems like it would be easier to hook up the sooner you do it.


Will be included in the first update. Steam version already has it since updating that one is easier :).


I really wanted an opportunity to support you so I bought your game on steam cause I really enjoyed your games. Thank you so much for making them.

Great VN, but its a little annoying how everyone wants the PC to get his memories back but when questioned they refuse to tell you anything. (Wait) (That's for another day) (I cant tell you that yet) There's just more and more unanswered questions right now. Currently at the part where Lena and her daughter visit.


The problem your referring to , in which people keep telling him that they will give him information tomorrow, or later etc. Is actually the correct way of trying to help someone with amnesia.  You simply can't rush someone into trying to remember something, it just doesn't work like that, because for a start it will usually mean nothing to him or her, and would make no sense to them because they have no frame of reference to remember by in the first place.  By going slowly and patiently and at the person's own pace, things start to come back to them..overdo by giving to much information too soon, can actually do a lot more damage than people realize. some may never get their memories back,  and often a person who has had amnesia actually tend to behave a lot differently than they originally did.  

K7 got this spot on.


You are a  wonderful story writer. Please continue.


I just want to say thank you for making such a great game. Not all about the lewd scenes but a great story too. Pulls you in a makes you want to take your time not just fast click to get to the next event. Keep up the great work and I can’t wait for the next update on steam. 

quick question is every character going to be romanceable

quick question when is the next update just wondering dont feel pressured you take your time 


I can't tell yet, I will update you guys once I get closer to finishing the first ingame day. I took things very slow after the release because I have been pushing hard to get the first release out :).

alright thanks for the info 


Killer another great story as I had anticipated I will be trying to support on patreon when able as I really can't wait till this keeps chugging along, as I really can't get enough of the story. Every scene has been captivating again thank you for putting so much time in making enjoyable stories to read.

(1 edit)

Hey Killer7, how are you doing? 

Can you have sex with Morgan? also, FANTASTIC game!


Yes, Morgan is going to be lewdable in the future!

Okay, I appreciate it! Have a great day! :)

And are Olivia and Sophie lewdable as well? 

And does it matter if Morgan is trans? Can you still have sex with her? or does Morgan have to be not Trans?

You can have sex with Morgan when she is trans, but the sex will be different. Sophie will be lewdable as well, Olivia will probably not be lewdable.

Thank you! There are no better VN's than the ones you make. Honestly. Have a great and safe day! :)


Oh, and the Lucy and Pelican references are good. xDD

Hmmm... Wouldn't Olivia be a logical one though, given the daddy complex she obviously has? Anyway, your story, your choices!  ;)

yeah, i agree man. and i hope he does that but i'm not getting my hopes up.


Hey killer7 👋

I'm just wondering in the future updates, is there any chances of hitting my therapist? I found her more attractive than Ana, especially without her glasses during our sessions.

Dr. Rosenberg will be lewdable, yes. But don't you dare call her hotter than Anna :(.

Glad to hear that HAHAHAXD


Klasse Arbeit hast du hier geleistet muss man einfach sagen 

MNM ist jetzt bei mir auf Platz 1 

Und ich hoffe das es auch betas geben wird wie bei MNF deswegen unterstütze ich dich jetzt auf Patreon im Sabrina Level 

Kanns kaum erwarten das es weiter geht 

Mach weiter so für mich bist du der beste in Sachen VN :)


Danke für die netten worte :) Die betas sind genauso geplant wie für My New Family ^^ Danke auch für den support!

Hmm this is very weird cuz its not the first time it happens to me, at the moment to end the download it says forbbiden and doesnt let me download the apk. I have tried Chrome and the default Samsung browser, idk why it happens... Killer, do you have any advices? This is really pissing me off tbh.

Thanks before hand

(I know its not your fault, im just asking in case you have the solution (for some reason) )

It's usually the phone blocking .apk downloads for "safety". If it still doesn't work you could try using the mega links on my discord, they should work if you give the app permissions.


It worked from your discord, thanks!

(1 edit)

I have the solution, run into this problem with almost every single game on here. DO NOT close the browser tab after it starts downloading, wait for the download to complete then close the tab. If that doesnt fix it you have some unblocking features to do.

Dowloaded it from the discord server, but will use your advice for other ocasion, thanks. 


you made a another masterpiece keep up the good work don't overwork yourself take it nice and slow 5 out of 5 stars  


love it cant wait t o see more and where it goes keep uo the good work 


Like everyone else, I have to give you a big thumbs up for this. Superb storyline, done really well. Laugh, smile, romantic, horny, sad, you go for the emotions and nail it pretty much every time. Love the characters too, whilst nobody stands out to me yet on a par with Lucy from MNF, (Sabrina and Anna are definitely close though,) its still very early days. Also love the quality of the artwork.

Sorry to say I spotted the twist at the end of the prologue almost as soon as the characters were introduced, but that didnt lessen my enjoyment at all.

I also agree completely with your philosophy of storyline before lewds, the storyline is what makes your work special, I would read it even without the artwork. Not saying the images arent nice, they are, but I can find lewd pictures in loads of places on the web. Context is what elevates the whole.

MNF and MNM are absolutely in the top few Visual Novels Ive looked at so far, exactly what I want.

One request though, I want to support both games on Patreon, but cant stretch to the Full Package, would you consider adding a tier merging the Lucy and Sarah tiers? (Maybe call it the Fan Service tier and have the thumbnail for it a picture of them both together.)

Thank you again.

I will add a tier like that starting in July :) Thank you for the kind words!


Hey Killer 7 i love this series, your writing is  wonderful and i love the lucy  easter egg i hope to read more from both of your stories


i just bought this on steam early acess, i only hope that each chapter is being worked on as quickly as possible. From the little I god, wow, give us more!


This game is awesome mate! I bloody love it, and I can't wait for the next update. The story has me hooked, and talk about an emotional rollercoaster!


17th play-through and the part with Sarah at her apartment for the first time always gets me crying....I love it!

And the 2nd time at her apartment with the TV & the Lucy reference gets me laughing in stitches everytime.

Best money I've ever spent on Steam!


first off i love both your games you've made, i was a little skeptical about this game at first especially with the small file size but I've gotta admit this game made me cry, laugh and all around have a good time i cant wait till the next episode comes out, ill be on the edge of my seat just like i am with every chapter of my new famil

not gonna lie first thought in my head when i saw the doctor was steve harvey lol love the game so far keep up the great work


I know it wont happen but would love 1st scene of next episode for mc to lose it. lol. Wake from the dream and yell effing B and throw the couch at the window and go get in suv and go to Sabrina house. Pin the twin down and be like how many kids I got? I cant take this crap anymore you all are effing with me last chance spill it all or im going to my Florida house for a bit. lol But its killer 7 and thats not going to happen. Great game so far. Didnt think I could be interested in a game as much as I was in My New Family. Not saying its an equal yet, need a couple more episodes, but its a great start. Well Done Killer 7! You are amazing.


Well, he was about to lose it but thanks to Anna, he stays clear in his head, more or less. 

(1 edit)

at 2 instances Sabrina's name persists despite a custom name.

1 is the choice to let her sleep in your hotel room; lost track of the second one.

Edit count goes up. When MC and Sabrina go to his bedroom in the hotel, another one persists.


Love it, I at least knew it was going to be sad at the start so I was good for a bit but the introduction of three characters at once got me to stop for a moment.  

The only thing that worries me is how often a character suggests there could be danger so I'm sitting here like "Alright is something horrible going to happen? Everyone keeps suggesting it and with all these secrets I don't trust anyone...". Overall it's been great.


maximum  curiosity !


Amazingly well done so far, only critique is there isn't more of it. Can't wait for next release. Keep up the great work Killer7


damn man you have made 2 great game’s if i had the money i would donate to you for your game’s and i mean i would straight want to be able to wire you the money instead of using patron or any 3rd party to send the money. that’s how much your game’s have got me hooked from the first 5 minuets into both games. i don’t know who is your number 1 fan of your games but i would say i call that spot


This is a brilliant start for the new VN. The writing is on a par with MNF, and I'm really glad you have made the switch in graphics software - if nothing else, there are people in the background!

(1 edit) (+1)

Why i think that Killer7 is one of the best vn writers?

Let me start even if the file is small like her unpacked 500mb u get alot and i mean alot. Correct me when im wrong but i think its kinda around 2h or 2,5h of contend round about and  thats alot for a 0.1.

The story i kinda fell in love with the story its sometimes a slow pase and sometimes a fast pase one , the renders holy cow they are amazing high qual and well placed.

Killer7 knows what he is doin.   I dont know what to say but well played Mr7 :D keep it going 

Ps. i know my english is kinda whaky but IDC :_D 

(2 edits) (+1)

Ok let me  start off by saying that I am loving MNM, the arts kick ass and the story is A+, after finishing the first chapter I'm left with so many questions and a deep want and need for the next chapter.

The only complaint I have is the way the  MC handles not be told or having  stuff kept from him, a lot of the time he knows people are keeping things from him and he is very ho hum about it. Reading these scenes  I start getting anxiety and  pissed ( which if that's  your goal  then good job A+) which seems to be the way the MC should be handling it,  judging by the comments some of the characters make to him  about him getting mad when he's not told everything. He's been 50/50 on it like he got pissed at the Dr and Cop but not ether of the sisters.

Passed the above complaint  that's mostly my  projected emotions, I cant wait for the next chapter.

A couple quick question for you Killer7.

1.Is MNM going to follow the same format as MNF,  will I  be able to look forward to hooking up with any of the women we meet in  MNM.

2.What sort of release schedule can we look forward to for MNM and MNF, will they release around the same time , will it be MNF one month and MNM  the next month or will it be MNF on its regular schedule and MNM as you get around to it.

3.Will you be moving MNF over to MNM art style or will it stay the same.

Keep up the good work .


First off I really love that big Pelican Easter egg. Lol. Secondly I knew he was going to turn out to be her dad. As soon they mentioned she had an incest kink and she kind of Dodge the question about her dad I knew it right then and there, there was not a doubt in my mind. Lmao but anyways love this story. Definitely can't wait to read more.

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Yea, it was quite obvious, honestly you could see that coming much earlier (there is that one dialogue that MC overhear in memory with Anna and her sister) but I guess that's the point.

But honestly, I'm more interested who want to kill MC. :)

Same here, I think Mike as a suspect might be too obvious but is that what Killer7 wants us to think? Who knows. ;)

Agreed, I suspect that Mike is a distraction.

Which means some very interesting conversations for Killer7 to handle if who I suspect it is turns out to be true.

As you say though, it wil be fascinating to see how it turns out.


this was just WOW, what story with beutyfull graphics. youre be very close to make me support youre FIRST time in this site and game's. If those happen's, then youre be First dev, what im support in any game site.


Amazing and great thus far.


aww yea boy lets go


dude i gotta say big props to the "car" that right there is a true thing of beauty. very nice start and great renders , and finally the mc doesn't look like a wimp.

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